Quick & Easy 7-Ingredient Gooey Coconut Lime Macaroons Recipe (2024)

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A gooey coconut macaroon infused with lime and dipped in white chocolate. You just need 7 simple ingredients for these, the main ingredients being shredded coconut,sweetened condensed milk and lime.

Quick & Easy 7-Ingredient Gooey Coconut Lime Macaroons Recipe (1)

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As much as I try and stick to my diet on the weekends, it is nearly impossible when I am baking! I have to try everything at least 2 to 3 bites to make sure it’s good. Then when there are Coconut Lime Macaroons around, I have to have 3 whole ones, you know, for quality assurance reasons.

Before I dive into the recipe and tell you why you need to make these right away, because you definitely do, I will give you a little context here.

Quick & Easy 7-Ingredient Gooey Coconut Lime Macaroons Recipe (2)

This is my first time making macaroons, but a couple of weeks ago, when I visited Portland with Lindsay, I had a coconut lime macaroon at a bakery called The Pie Spot. It’s an entire store dedicate to pies! However, they have the most AMAZING cookies, like seriously amazing. So I knew I wanted to make them at home.

Enter Hayley’s new cookbook Out of the Box Dessert. I’ve been a long time follower of Hayley’s blog, The Domestic Rebel, but most importantly, Hayley has become a good friend of mine. I love when blogging friends become real life friends. Hayley even shared my No-Bake Brownie Batter cheesecake this past week from my cookbook!

Quick & Easy 7-Ingredient Gooey Coconut Lime Macaroons Recipe (3)

Two years ago, Hayley and I were on the same flight home from Miami after the BlogHer Food conference. The whole way back to California we couldn’t stop talking. Hayley talked about how she wanted to start writing her book and we were talking about her famous Brownie Bombs.

When Hayley told me earlier this year that she signed a contract for her first book, I was so very excited for her, because I knew how much she wanted to write a book. Plus I just LOVE her topic. You know me and you know how much I love desserts that start with a box mixed.

Quick & Easy 7-Ingredient Gooey Coconut Lime Macaroons Recipe (4)

There are 100 droolworthy recipes in this book that are all semi-homemade. Most recipes start with box mix or some premade cookie or brownie dough. But there is also a smattering of recipes, like these macaroons that are homemade. Out of the Box Desserts was also featured on QVC and sold out so quickly! Everything looked so amazing!

Some recipes on my must-make list include the Sinful Brookie cake! It’s a chocolate chip cookie cake stuffed with Oreos and mixed with brownies and topped with some vanilla frosting! You guys, I can’t even handle this. The Blueberry Muffin Cake also looks right up my alley. And the Chocolate Chips Cookie Dough Tart is definitely happening.

Quick & Easy 7-Ingredient Gooey Coconut Lime Macaroons Recipe (5)

Hayley’s original recipe is for Joyful Almond Macaroons, but I changed up the recipe a bit to make this coconut-lime version. It is the same coconut macaroon base but it is infused with lime zest and dipped in white chocolate.When it comes to the dipping chocolate, I like to use almond bark or Ghirardelli candy melts. They melt down to be very smooth and they harden nicely.

Quick & Easy 7-Ingredient Gooey Coconut Lime Macaroons Recipe (6)

Let me tell you that I brought these to a baby shower at work on Tuesday and a few of my coworkers were literally ooing and awing over these. One of them even told me this was the best dessert he’s ever had, which is a tall order considering how many desserts I’ve made for them.

There were just a couple leftovers, which was probably for the best because a few people came by my desk yesterday asking if there was any left. Looks like I should be making this recipe again! You’ll definitely want a copy of Hayley’s book, Out of the Box Desserts, STAT.

Quick & Easy 7-Ingredient Gooey Coconut Lime Macaroons Recipe (7)

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If you love no-bake recipes, be sure to check out my cookbook, No-Bake Treats!


Quick & Easy 7-Ingredient Gooey Coconut Lime Macaroons Recipe (8)

Coconut Lime Macaroons

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  • Author: Julianne Dell
  • Prep Time: 10 mins
  • Cook Time: 15 mins
  • Total Time: 25 minutes
  • Yield: 18-22 cookies

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These simple coconut macaroons are made with sweetened condensed milk, shredded coconut and lime zest. Dip these in white chocolate and call it day. These are simply amazing.


  • 5 ½ cups shredded coconut
  • 2/3 cups all-purpose flour
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 1 teaspoons almond extract (optional)
  • 1 can (14 oz) sweetened condensed
  • 1 large lime, zested
  • 7 ounces white dipping chocolate (such as Candiquik or Ghirardelli)


  1. Preheat the oven to 350° Fine 2 baking sheets with parchment paper or silicone baking sheets.
  2. In a large bowl, toss together the coconut and flour until coated. Stir in the vanilla extract and almond extract (or double the vanilla and omit the almond extract), sweetened condensed milk and lime zest and mixed until combined and sticky.
  3. Use a medium-size (about 1 tablespoon) cookie scoop to drop the mixture onto the lined baking sheets, about 1-inches apart. Round out the tops of the coconut mounds to press in any loose coconut so that it doesn’t burn.
  4. Bake for approximately 12 to 15 minutes, rotating the pans halfway through the baking time, until golden brown and fragrant. Cool complexly on the baking sheets.
  5. Melt the white chocolate bark according to the instructions on the package. Usually I melt in 30 second increments (at 50% powder) and I stir it each time until the chocolate is melted and completely smooth.
  6. Dip the bottoms of macaroons into the melted white chocolate, tap off any excess chocolate and place them back on the baking sheet, tipping them on their sides. Allow the chocolate to cool and firm up completely.
  7. Drizzle any remaining white chocolate over top of the macaroons.
  8. Store in an air tight container for about 4 days.
  • Category: Dessert
  • Method: Baked
  • Cuisine: American

Keywords: macaroons

Visit Beyond Frosting’s profile on Pinterest.

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Quick & Easy 7-Ingredient Gooey Coconut Lime Macaroons Recipe (2024)


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Name: Msgr. Refugio Daniel

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