(PDF) Las Vegas Hollywood Magazine Cannes Film Festival[1] - DOKUMEN.TIPS (2024)

(PDF) Las Vegas Hollywood Magazine Cannes Film Festival[1] - DOKUMEN.TIPS (1)

Special Edition$2.95 USA VOL 10/No.2$4.95 Canada, $6.95 International

The Road to CannesFilm Festival

Film Artists Network

Shaping the Future

American Global Business

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BERLIN - Located in the Center of Europe, and the Capital of Germany.You can Rent and be the KING of The CITY for two weeks by having your Product, Company Logo, Picture or Name Projected via light on all the Major buildings of the city in the FESTIVAL OF LIGHTS (Political,Governmental and Private Industry). For two consecutive weeks,every night the city will come alive with your project gracingevery building in lights. This event is the most talked about, and receives worldwide attention. The most lucrative and expedient way to promo-te a Movie Release, Music Album, Company Brand name recognition,Product exposure to the public. It is the futuristic age in promotion. Should you be interested please contact us! (Ich Bin Ein Berliner!)

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The Road to CannesFilm Artists Network

by Eugene Mandelcorn & Chris Pilliczar

FESTIVALPage 16-18

Shaping the Futureat the Milken Global Leader Conference

by Beth Simonson Handler


The Latest in Global Online Trading

CONSUMERPage 30-31

06 LVH STAFF Publisher‘s Letter by Simon Sahouri08 - 09 ENVIRONMENT „Action!“ - eady to Enjoy Paradise by Jacqueline K. Garcia-Green10 SPORTS NBA The Early Years of NBA and College Basketball by Bob Rind11 ENTERTAINMENT Foxwoods Resort & Casino - Resort Schedulde by LVH Staff12 LIFE STYLE Las Vegas Wedding, Foundation Room at Mandalay Bay by Ladi Novotny13 ART Woody Vasulka - The Video Kitchen by Miloslav Zmrzly14 - 15 FASHION Wedding Fashion by Ladi Novotny16 - 18 FESTIVAL The Road to Cannes - Film Artists Network by Eugene Mandelcorn & Chris Pilliczar19 - 20 FESTIVAL The History of Film Artists Network by Eugene Mandelcorn & Chris Pilliczar20 - 21 FESTIVAL The Making of the Film Artists Network by Susan Thompson22 - 25 FESTIVAL Cannes 2007 Partial Product List by Film Artists Network Distribution26 CONSUMER David Verklin, CEO of Carat Americas, Chairman of Carat Asia Pacific by Adrienne Scordato28 - 29 SPORTS The Sports General by Earl K. Abdullah29 SPORTS The Boxing Match of the Century - Oscar De La Hoya vs. Floyd Mayweather by Pete Allman30 - 31 CONSUMER The Latest in Global Online Trading by Earl K. Abdullah32 - 33 SPORTS Grand Prix Las Vegas by Ladi Novotny34 - 35 ART Aleksey & Marina - Photopainting by Miloslav Zmrzly36 ENTERTAINMENT Hello Dere! by Dawn McCaffrey36 - 37 ENTERTAINMENT Movies Short & Sweet by Polly Peluso38 ENTERTAINMENT The Filming Industry: Looking to Make a Movie by Bob Rind40 TRAVEL The Road to Cannes, the „City of Cannes“ by LVH Staff42 - 43 FINANCE Spiritual & Financial Success! by Angelina Lazar44 - 46 ENTERTAINMENT A Behind the Scenes View by Beth Simonson Handler47 ENTERTAINMENT Shaping the Future at the Milken Global Leader Conference by Beth Simonson Handler48 - 50 ENTERTAINMENT Celebrity Scene News by Pete Allman52 - 56 PARTY LIFE Paparazzi @Forty Deuces by Ladi Novotny58 ENTERTAINMENT The Mega Events by Polly Peluso... The Noisy Reporter61 PARTY LIFE Happy 40th Birthday Alan Cabasso by LVH Staff

by Earl K. Abdullah

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Simon Sahouri

Eddie Sahuri

Marco Derhy

Bob Rind

John Pecos

Earl Abdullah

Kenneth Hall

Ladi Novotny

Angelina LazarBeth HandlerBob RindChris PilliczarDawn McCaffreyEarl AbdullahEugene MandelcornJac Garcia-GreenJohn PecosLVH StaffM. I. KhanPete AllmanPolly PelusoSusan Thompson

Dina Hall

David Hampton (Florida)(407) 352.2445(407) 894.7245 fax

Andrew Shawn (Berlin, Germany)+49 (30) 3199 059 - 10+49 (30) 3199 059 - 19 fax

David Winter, Attorney At Law

City of Las Vegas Cultural & Community AffairsClark County Library DistrictClark County Parks & RecreationHollywood Arts CouncilHollywood Chamber of CommerceMarina del Rey Convention & Visitors BureauLas Vegas Convention and Visitors AuthorityLas Vegas News BureauLos Angeles Cultural Affairs Dept.University of Nevada, Las VegasCommunity College of Southern NevadaCannes Film Market and Festival (France)City of Cannes Tourist Bureau (France)Berlin Tourist Bureau (Germany)

Miloslav Zmrzly, BlueAtelier.biz

(702) 792.4057(702) 309.2424 FAX



Francesco Vessia


LetterThe Road to Cannes

The International 2007 CANNES FILM FESTIVAL celebrates 60 years of service to the motion picture industry worldwide. We at the Las Vegas/Hollywood Magazi-ne have teamed up with Film Artists Ne-twork (FAN) an international independent f ilmmakers organization involved in every aspect of the f ilm making process. FAN helps, trains and educates career-oriented individuals in the Art Of Film Making.

We have taken Our First step into 2007 CANNES FILM FESTIVAL & MARKET, (one of the largest Film Market & Festival world wide) and beyond as we are looking forward to being in the center of the En-tertainment industry. Focusing on publici-ty, promotion, reviews, and marketing of independent features, documentaries and TV projects with independent producers, buyers and distributors at up coming ma-jor f ilm markets and festivals world wide.

We would like to give Special thanks to Chris Pilliczar and Eugene Mandelcorn for giving us the opportunity to team up with FAN for now and the future, and congra-tulate their organization for the dedicated services they provide to the world- wide f ilm community.

Las Vegas/Hollywood Magazine continues to dedicate our publication to showcasing National and International talent of the Entertainment Industry, and opening the interaction and communication between the east and west in bringing business, and cultures together through entertainment.

Welcome to the city of CANNES on French Riviera...

Simon SahouriPublisher

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„Action!“Ready to Enjoy Paradise

by Jacqueline K. Garcia-GreenACTION we‘re getting...from Breast Cancer and AIDS Awareness, Autism research to, Solar and wind Exploration. These days ACTION is growing like wild flowers in meadows all around us. Please, please keep it up; this is not a fashion statement. This is a new, sustainable lifestyle that we are all quickly embracing.

That is a FABULOUS Start. Industry categories are so vast in our growing Global Marketplace. We must consider that each industry has to find a way, to do what they can-where they can. We have to have concrete, right? Sidewalks, buildings, curb. But how can a concrete company turn GREEN? How much investment will it have to undertake? The Use of alternative fuels in your fleets, and Practice Progressive Preventative Main-tenance for your fleet and facilities; RECYCLE and REUSE. Those are GREAT ways to start TODAY, for any industry. Remember the littlest effort adds up. Just like met-hane that is made and sent into the atmosphere, from the lack of recycling, before trash is sent to the ‚trash dumps‘. That‘s right. “ Trash Dumps “. NOTE: As Trash decomposes, it makes Methane gas; just as bad for the environ-ment, as C02. Together, they are KILLER.

What if each industry does what they can; learns and grows from there. Let‘s take it smaller, Let‘s Micro Manage ourselves. Let‘s make it a matter of personal ownership, responsibility. It is expensive to own and operate a private enterprise; A Privi-lege, indeed.

If you Own and Operate a business in which you communicate with a consumer, (someone that is going to hand you money) --isn‘t it your obligation, the need for your sustainability, to provide the best customer service- your smiling face can offer?

I got the following in a fortune cookie yeeeeaaarrrrss ago. Love it, „Act with kindness. People return with good will, to the place that has done them well“. Yummy cookie, and even Yummier words. After all, it is a privilege to have ownership in your destiny.

And hey, do we need to spend the Millions needed, to get „COMMON Sense“ mandated into law? How many more laws can we put in place that suit the status quo-but, not the future needs for ALL? Remember we‘re looking for long-term solutions here.

It is the ‚Business‘ of the World that sets the tone, the trend. Private Enterprise supports the World, pays ta-xes, and provides new technology and jobs. Business makes fashion; business makes MOVIES. Kids see mo-vies in groves, buy the fashion, merchandise and plas-ter their favorite movie idol on their walls. Who do-esn‘t like the movies? We ALL LOVE to escape, learn, grow and are entertained. Unfortunately, the Movie Industry is among the worse ‚carbon manufacturers‘ out there. What? How can that be? They‘re only movies, right? There‘s no need to fear, digitalproducer.com is here. Check it out. In the article, „‘The Environmental Me-dia Association Says Hollywood Can Be Green (er)“, it states that, „This year, the UCLA Institute of the

Environment focused its ninth annual report on the film and television industry (FTI), film and television indu-stry (FTI), comparing it to five other major California industries.

The article continues, stating that over the past 15 ye-ars, „EMA (The Environmental Media Association) has worked on several fronts to get the industry to both champion environmental practices in their content and practice conservation on the set and in the office.“

The report‘s conclusion is that the FTI is “responsible for a significant amount of both air pollution and gre-enhouse gas emissions.” The group measured “primary criteria air pollutants” and greenhouse gases (GHGs) in metric tons per $1 million annual output in the Los Angeles metropolitan area, California, and the United States. Comparing the FTI to the aerospace, petro-leum refining, apparel, hotel, and semiconductor indu-stries, the group found that the film and television indu-stry topped every other industry for criteria pollutant emissions in the Los Angeles region. (The petroleum refining industry is by far the largest polluter, but data is unavailable for Los Angeles.) More significantly, film and television is the smallest of the six sectors studied; yet its greenhouse gas emissions are close to the same order of magnitude as four of the other sectors. The FTI accounts for an estimated 140,000 metric tons of criteria pollutants and 8,400,000 metric tons of CO2 equivalents annually.“

The EMA is certainly taking a lead by ‚awarding‘ a Green Seal for Works that include things like using biodiesel, in the diesel generators needed to provide picture perfect lighting. How about Solar and hydrogen run genera-tors? Is that really possible? Probably...let‘s find out.

Is there anyway to make movies the ‚old fashion‘ way? Technology can play a big part here; why not use a computer software program to lighten or darken the background? How about using Natural lighting? How would we experience emotions of every shape, sty-le and form, if it weren‘t for the beautiful images that dance before us, day in and day out... thanks to the movies?

How great is this? . Warner Bros. Pictures, Participant Productions and NativeEnergy challenge Hollywood to follow their lead. That is a direct headline from Nati-veEnergy.com. Like I said, meadows of beautiful flowers are growing

all around us. Most of these flowers, like the En-vironmental Business Network, and NativeEnergy, have been around for years.

No, not because we are crazy, but because, once you know, you are compelled with hunger, to make every breath, every word, communicate the urgent lifestyle changes needed now. Why? Turning the tides to positive change. You are the example, good or bad. The World doesn‘t revolve around you, but the World needs you and all your hard, dedicated work efforts. Together with collaborati-on, we can make a difference, change the World.

It’s up to you, participating with a simple phone call. Become an EBN Network Member. Get your neighborhood, Help create a new meadow of wild flowers in your neighborhood, ready for ACTION. Support your neighborhood businesses participa-ting in the Environmental Business Network Cam-paign. Promote your business VIP Style, as good stewards, privileged to be of service to your com-munity. Try our INTRO Offer: Recycle, Use Alter-native Fuel, and Practice Progressive Preventative Maintenance for one year.

Environmental Business Network, „Playing hard and living easy!“www.ebn.cc, [emailprotected], www.myspace.com/environmentalbusinessntwk

Photo by TouTouke

Jac a

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l Gore

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The Early Years of NBA and College Basketballby Bob Rind

It is very difficult sometimes to just write about the early years of the NBA without intertwining stories about colle-ge basketball. We all know in most cases, college basket-ball has been the minor leagues for the NBA. In fact there was a college championship team that entered the NBA.

Trivia #1: What was the team? In the early days of the NBA high school and college basketball players were al-lowed to play together in the off season. At this time the Knicks would scrimmage a high school team and in one of these scrimmages Harry Gallatin the Knicks and the le-agues leading rebounder was outrebounded by the high school 6’2” center who received newspaper headlines about this situation.

Trivia #2: Name the high school and the player. Throug-hout the years there have been many athletes that excel-led and played two professional sports. This list does not include Michael Jordan. My 4 top athletes played baseball and basketball, but 2 finished their careers as basketball players. The players that finally chose baseball were Dick Groat and Gene Conley.

Trivia # 3: Name the 2 players that were outstanding in the NBA. Over the years the NBA had quite a few brothers that played at the same time in their careers and father and son that played also in the NBA at different times, but there were only one set of twins that played at the same time.

Trivia # 4: Name these twins. Basketball centers have always been a big conversation at both the college and pro-level. Just look at today’s current college declared to the pro’s players. In the mid 30’s into the start of the NBA Moe Goldberg at 6’2” was the dominant center. Then came 6’10” George Mikan, who was strictly a post player, but is in the top 50 of all time NBA players. The first 7-foot player with very little print was Elmore “Hank” Morgantha-ler with the old Philadelphia Warriors. There was a very special All-Star center that only was at 6’6’, small in todays and in his playing days.

Trivia # 5: Who was this player? Players today really don’t know much about how the basketball game rules and court layout has change drastically. From center jump after every basket, to no dribbling the ball is just a few of the different comparisons. For a good look into this history I recommend the book From Set Shot to Slam Dunk. Ano-ther change has been the “spring back” basketball hoop.

Trivia # 6: Who was primarily responsible for this change? Another big change on the basketball court is the officia-ting. I started refereeing when I was 16 years old at the community center I also played ball at. This center that had a very good “House team”, comprised of top high school and college players. I was the other official with a top NBA official. This was a tough league of Jewish Community Cen-ters in New York City, of which all the teams had players

of the same credentials. I got $5 the other official got $10. When I did league ball at the center, I got $2 a game, which usually went an hour. If I wasn’t playing I refereed maybe up to 6 games on a Sunday. So, I was there when rules were very different then today. Over the years when I was playing in sports in college I still refereed games when I had a chance. After college I played on one of the teams in the league and we became champs over the perennial champs of the before mentioned Community Center and the first team of ours went to Israel and won the Maccabee games. During this 3-year period at the center I refereed scrimma-ges at St. Johns when my team played them and club ball.

Later on after I got married and moved to Long Island I did men’s and women games all over the island, when I had time. Later on in my forties I joined IAABO a worldwide organization for basketball officials, and the only officials sanctioned to do high school and college games. We atten-ded clinic’s, summer camp and took compulsory written tests. With this I refereed an average of 200 games a year in high school, college and some pro-ball. I was certified also for women’s basketball, which I also did many years before on a freelance basis. So, I’ve been there for all the changes. At another time I will go into these changes. Answers to the last issues Trivia Questions. # 1 The 2 original teams were the Boston Celtic’s and the Knick’s. # 2 First NBA president was Maurice Poldoloff. # 3 first Japanese player to break the colored barrier was Watari “Wat” Musaka who played at the University of Utah. # 4 Sweetwater Clifton played with the Harlem Gold Trotters. # 5 The Boston player to play there was Tony Kapper. # 6 the widened lane was called the Wilt Chamberland rule.

Added note: I first met Wilt when he was 17 and wor-king as a bellboy at a hotel in the Borscht Belt. Over the years when he came to NY, Wilt, Ray Felix, Walter Dukes, my brother and I would go to Reese Park on the beach in Southern Queens, NY and play ball. Guess who didn’t leave the court. I would practice hook shots with him and Ray and then play them one on one.

Foxwoods Resort & CasinoA Galaxy of the Biggest Stars...

by LVH Staff

Today’s Hottest Bands, Contemporary Singers, and Cutting Edge Stars share our venues with everything from Championship Boxing to Broadway Shows.

The Foxwood Theatre is an intimate state-of the-art 1400 seat venue, which has featured the Country’s top artist, including, Alicia Keys, Norah Jones, Josh Gibson, Jon Stewart, Chris Rock and a Host of In-ternational Stars and Celebrities.


Any questions or information you can contact me at this magazine. Many more stories will be told in future publications, such as the scan-dals, betting, quotas and other inside information you never knew about.

Foxwoods Resort Schedulde

May 5 ................ Five for Fighting

May 15 ..............Cheap Trick

May 18-20 .........David Copperfield

May 25 ..............Huey Lewis and the News

May 26 ..............Roberto Clemente Little League

May 26 ..............Colin Mochrie & Brad Sherwood

May 27 ..............Dionsieu Brothers

June 1 ................Paulina Rubio

June 2 ................Jon Secada

June 8 ...............Roberta Flack

June 10 ..............Brad Garrett

June 15 ..............Harry Connick Jr.

June 22 ..............Chaka Khan & Jeffrey Osborne

June 23 ..............Lyle Lovett

June 29 ..............Peter Frampton

June 30 ..............Bobby Vinton

July 4 .................INXS

July 6 ................. Solid Gold Dance Party

July 7 .................Doo Wop Hall of Fame

(PDF) Las Vegas Hollywood Magazine Cannes Film Festival[1] - DOKUMEN.TIPS (7)

Woody Vasulka was born Bohuslav Peter Vasulka in Brno, Czechoslovakia in 1937. He studied metal technology and hydraulic mechanics at the School of Industrial Engineering, Brno, where he received a baccalaureate degree in 1956. Later he attended the Academy of Performing Arts, Facultyof Film and Television, in Prague, where he directed and produced several short films. In 1965 he went to the UnitedStates and started collaborating with his wife Steina.Steina worked as a freelance musician and Woody as a mul-tiscreen film editor, experimenting with electronic sounds, stroboscopic lights, and, by 1969, with video. In 1971, with Andreas Mannik, they founded The Kitchen, a media arts theater. The same year, Steina and Woody established the first annual video festival at The Kitchen, and they collaborated with David Bienstock on organizing A Special Videotape Show at the Whitney Museum. In these early years, Steinaand Woody collaborated extensively on investigations to the electronic nature of video and sound, and on producingdocumentaries about theater, dance, and music, with a specialfascination for the New York underground scene.In 1974, the Vasulkas moved to Buffalo, where they joinedthe faculty of the Center for Media Study at the StateUnivesity of New York. At this point, their interest diverged: Woody turned his attention to the Rutt/Etra Scan Processor, while Steina experimented with the camera as an autono-mous imaging instrument in what would become the Machine Vision series. In 1976, working first with Don MacArthur and then Jeffrey Schier, Woody began to build the Digital Image Articulator. This device introduced him to the prin-ciples of digital imaging. Since 1980, the Vasulkas have lived and worked in Santa Fe, New Mexico (USA), where Steinahas continued her work in video, media performance, and video installation, and Woody has continued to producework in video, three-dimensional computer graphics, and media constructions. In 1992, the Vasulkas organizedEigenwelt der Apparate-Welt: Pioneers of Electronic Art, an exhibition of early electronic tools for Ars Electronica,Linz, Austria, with a laserdisc interactive catalogue.The Vasulkas have been artist-in-residence at the National Center for Experiments in television (NCET), at KQED in San Francisco, and at WNET/Thirteen in New York. Indi-vidually and collectively, they have received funding from the New York State Council on the Arts, the Corporation for Public Service (CASP), the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA), the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, the Guggenheim Foundation, and the New Mexico Arts Division.Both received the American Film Institute Maya Deren Award in 1992 and the Siemens Media Art Prize in 1995.In 1988, Steina was an artist-in-residence in Tokyo on a U.S./Japan Friendship Commitee grant. In 1993, Woody received a Soros Foundation fellowship to lecture and present work throughout Eastern Europe. Steina has taught at the Academyfor Applied Arts, Vienna, the Institute for New Media at the Staedelschule, Frankfurt, Germany, and the Collegeof Arts and Crafts, Reykjavik, Iceland. Since 1993,Woody has been a visiting professor at the Faculty of Art,Polytechnic Institute, Brno, Czech Republic.


Woody Vasulka - The Video Kitchenby Miloslav Zmrzly

by Ladi Novotny

Las Vegas Wedding Foundation Room at Mandalay Bay

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Photos by Ladi Novotny, model Vera Pospisilovawww.LadisPhoto.com

(PDF) Las Vegas Hollywood Magazine Cannes Film Festival[1] - DOKUMEN.TIPS (9)

The Road to CannesFilm Artists Network

by Eugene Mandelcorn & Chris Pilliczar

Film Artists Network (FAN) and its members have, comple-ted more and more features, documentaries and short films, through out the years on an ongoing basis, on all kind of for-mats. The independent Film Makers started to realize that marketing, sales and securing distribution for their TITLES was much more difficult in most cases than producing a com-pleted film.

FAN has always specialized in filling niches in the indepen-dent film industry and has created a partly do it your self--marketing and sales plan for the Filmmaker to participate, market and represent their Titles and projects at the major film markets like the CANNES FILM MARKET in France, as a team and family. It has always been a major problem for many filmmakers (who are mostly artists and do not have the business knowledge needed) to communicate with buyers and distributors in regards to their titles, personally atten-ding and financing the market, understanding the marketing, sales and distribution process, including presenting, opening, negotiating and closing a deal. All about delivery elements, Deal memos, long term agreements and licensing rights, ter-ritories and terms.

FAN’s partly do it your self-marketing and sales plan (that Film Makers THAT RAVE about) provides a complete setup for the filmmaker to prepare for the market including as-sistance in travel, f lights- accommodations-support-resour-ces, current registered buyers data base and advice on their titles in regards to marketing and sales tools. Further a semi-nar on how the major markets work. Have their titles pre-sented and offered to the buyers and distributors worldwide, all the way to closing a deal, payment procedures and neces-sary delivery elements. There is a reasonable participation donation fee for each participating title or project. This pro-gram is completely designed in the favor of the filmmaker. The Film Maker keeps 100% exclusive rights and approves any deal of their product offered at the Market. As FAN is a non-for profit corporation, the above-mentioned participati-on donation fee is tax deductible. Marketing, Advertising and Publicity was always just as important as distribution, only in a different way. FAN has created a variety of such opportu-nities for its members. It is unthinkable NOT, to have direct access to an industry trade publication and magazine that is distributed domesti-cally, internationally and at the major markets. For the pur-pose of listing, Marketing, Advertising and Publicizing, you’re project and –or- your completed product directly to indust-ry professionals. FAN has created such opportunity for its members and has teamed up with the Las Vegas– Hollywood Magazine. FAN members now have the opportunity to take

advantage of specials and discounted rates to List, Publicize, Advertise, Market and Promote there Services, Talent and Product, in the Las Vegas-Hol-lywood Magazine as it will be at Cannes Film Mar-ket & Festival in multiple locations and will be with the Film Artists Network at other Film Market and Festivals around the globe in the coming years.

Our marketing and sales plan is guaranteed educa-tional, participatory and a great opportunity for a person with a completed saleable film. Since 1997 when this program was created, we have helped each other to produce sell our member’s films titles around the world. This will be our 10th Can-nes Film Market (OUR BOOTH LOCATION: In the Palais 22.04, Booth TEL:+33 (0)4 92 99 80 66 )and it is like no other Market in the World. Eve-ryone, who is anyone in the Film Industry, is the-re, from the struggling independent to the major studios. There are not only finished product from around the world being sold during the 11 days of the Market, but international product is being

screened at the Film Festival Competition in the Palais for the elite of the film world in the very same building where we have our offices.

Cannes Film Market and Festival is also the world‘s best Mar-ket for making deals for projects not yet produced, money deals for development though to the final edit. Important lunches and dinners are being arranged. Parties are happe-ning every night in Hotels, on the beach, or aboard luxury yachts in the marina. People with talent and dreams are mee-ting with people with money and influence who can make their dreams come true. That is what FAN and Cannes are about and that is why we are there every year in May. What is the real value of attending the CANNES FILM MAR-KET FESTIVAL in France? As the saying goes, „the proof is in the pudding.“ So based on the CANNES 2006 CANNES FILM MARKET FESTIVAL, we could come to some factual conclusions without making any assumptions. Tens of thou-sands of industry professionals — many traveling thousands of miles attended.

So what motivated these thousands of people to travel long distances, spend money, and invest valuable time? The an-swer is simply that the CANNES FILM MARKET & FESTIVAL provides proven value to the motion picture industry that they serve by offering:Knowledge of what‘s new and different: Generally, the gre-atest attraction of the CANNES FILM MARKET FESTIVAL is its ability to present in one place at one time the newest in motion pictures, up-coming projects and completed titles

and the most advanced production equipment and technologies available. To come up with good cho-ices, decision makers must gather up-to-date infor-mation, and the CANNES FILM MARKET FESTI-VAL is geared to make this process relatively easy and efficient.

Up-close-and-personal viewing and evaluation: At the CANNES FILM MARKET FESTIVAL prospecti-ve buyers and Distributors are looking for content. They want to view and analyze the available product (up-coming projects, Features, Documentaries and TV Series, etc). They are looking for marketability, salability, Entertainment value, production quality, production value, available territories, rights and minimum guaranteed territory price, so they can fill their programming needs.Film market attendees besides Buyers and Distribu-tors are Producers, Directors, Editors, Composers and Actors. They attend the market to look for and secure or finalize, talent and other elements that will bring their current projects to another level or to completion. Personal relationships can be key to building the confidence and trust required for successful business involvement and dealings.“

Learning from experts: Attending the CANNES FILM MARKET FESTIVAL can be like shopping at a super store. Everybody who is anyone is at CAN-NES. The connections one can make, no matter what you do in the industry, are phenomenal. In-dustry related individuals could find most of what they need in one trip, including education.

Film Artists Network (FAN) offers, courses, parti-cipation opportunities, a partly do it your self-mar-keting and sales plan for all of your projects and or finished TITLES. It teaches you the ropes on how to successfully market, sell and distribute your title. FOR MORE INFORMATION PLEASE CONTACT US AT: [emailprotected] or go to our web-si-te: www.filmartistsnetwork.comWhether you have a film for sale OR NOT, you can participate, educational courses and training sessions add greatly to the value of attending a ma-jor market like the CANNES FILM MARKET FES-TIVAL.

Information exchange: The CANNES MARKET brings people involved in the same industry toge-ther from all over the world to one place CANNES (A beautiful city on the French Rivera). They provi-de what are usually rare opportunities to meet new people (network) and to discuss problems and is-sues with peers who share the same interests and concerns. Extending one‘s sphere of influence and learning from impromptu discussions are both va-luable dimensions of the CANNES FILM MARKET.Person-to-person interactions: When buyers and sellers meet face-to-face, the opportunity is there to get to know each other on a deeper level than e-mail

FAN sales representants

Chris Pilliczar with Charlie Chaplin :), Hollywood Blvd., LA

Publicity acting for FAN

(PDF) Las Vegas Hollywood Magazine Cannes Film Festival[1] - DOKUMEN.TIPS (10)

and the telephone can allow. Personal relationships can be key to building the confidence and trust re-quired for successful business dealings. During the market itself and afterwards at screenings, dinners and parties that occur night after night, in venue after venue, you can meet with many important people. These are unique opportunities to actually get to know those with whom a attendee may ultimately do business. A lot can be learned about a company by meeting and getting to know the executives.Attending the CANNES major INTERNATIONAL FILM MARKET & FESTIVAL is guaranteed educatio-nal, participatory and a great opportunity

The above mention Film Artists Network program is also designed for talent (actors, writers, directors, etc.) and individuals whose career orientation is gea-red towards the independent film industry.


• The Marche du Film - one of the largest and most active Film Sales and Distribution events in the world• An invaluable experience with multiple oppor tunities• Get firsthand experience at the Cannes Film Market in France.• Obtain a 12-day Full power non-transferable photo Badge that entitles you to access the entire festival and market, screenings and all other applicable market events, parties and activities.• Learn the ropes, get firsthand experience, on how the Marketing, Sales and Distribution of Independent Films and projects, at a major Film Markets really works.• Receive not just theory but also practical experience, we have combined both. • Every participant can learn the ropes on how a major film market works, with a lot of details (theory) and then has the opportunity to gain practical experience in our booth to observe. • We have exercised this program for 9 consecutive years, very successfully. • This program is 100% in the favor of the individual participant.• Learn how to use marketing & sales tools (like posters, trailers, project presentations etc), all about delivery elements, to successfully market and sell or bring completed and up-coming projects to another level. • Meet and network with film industry professionals • Attend World Premieres and screenings• Get guidance and tips from our team• Assistance for cost-efficient housing is available AND if you’re ready for the „Big Time“...

FAN success film Carnivore

FAN booth

• Pitch your film idea to studio heads• Get Distribution for your film• Bring your development project to another level• Our marketing and sales plan is guaranteed educational, participatory and a great opportunity for a person with OR WITH OUT a completed saleable film.

This is an invaluable experience with multiple opportunities.


Film Artists Network, also known, as FAN is a global Or-ganization of independent filmmakers who have joined to-gether in order to create dynamic opportunities to produ-ce, market, sell, and distribute their films worldwide. FilmArtists Network (FAN) is an international organization of filmmakers and other entertainment professionals. It is cur-rently involved in every aspect of the filmmaking process,from the development stage of a project all the way to finaldistribution of the completed product. FAN started as a non-profit 501-C-3, Corporation produ-cing non-violent programming for television and films, edu-cating young people through non-violent entertainment and games. The first project was appropriately titled ‘Arms ofTranquillity’ which dealt with the subject of taking death out of armed weapons. This feature was written in 1972. The screenplay was then submitted to studios and ultimately was accepted at the University of Mones in Belgium where it was accepted as literature and translated into the French language.In 1981 Richard E. Quinn, a disabled writer/producer/di-rector applied for a grant to ‘The City of Santa Monica, Ca-lifornia’ for the production of an episode of a proposed TV Series ‘Arms of Tranquillity’ based on the feature screen-play. The Grant Proposal was accepted and the first episodewas shot in 1981. The second episode was shot and Time Magazine conducted an interview concerning these unusual series. In 1985, the current President of FAN, Eugene Man-delcorn, took a random survey on what people would like to see in non-violent programming. The idea of death being removed from armed weaponry seemed to be attractive to the two hundred people surveyed. It seemed that there was an audience for ‘Arms of Tranquility’, but additional funding was not secured.From 1985 to 1988 Mandelcorn met regularly with other struggling filmmakers who could not get their motion pictu-re projects funded. These filmmakers came together with ashared belief that the best screenplay ever written had not been produced; the best film ever shot had not been distri-buted. Their goal was to utilize each individual’s abilities, ex-pertise and drive to create quality, character-driven motion picture and video projects that move audiences and create

critical and marketplace success for F.A.N. members. The original founders also understood that filmmakingis a collaborative medium unlike painting or sculpture; that success demands working together like a team and caring for each other like a family. It doesn’t take money to make movies. It takes people – talented people with passion and a dream.In 1989, a FAN folder was created to show studio and industry executives from major film studios about FAN’sindividual filmmakers and their projects. Meetings, infor-mal lunches and dinners were arranged with these in-dustry professionals, where FAN’s members were able to communicate with them on a one-to-one basis, on the subjects of new technology, funding, and guidelines for marketing and distribution. Among these individuals invited to these functions were entertainment professio-nals involved in such films as: Fried Green Tomatoes, ‘48Hours’, ‘Wise Guys’, and ‘South Central’. In 1991 ‘Reel Night’ was created where filmmakers could show theirfilms to their peers and industry executives.Also in 1991 FAN member’s brainstormed to develop a project that would bring each member to the next level of success in the entertainment industry. We came up with a feature anthology called „Grave Images.“ It was financed and produced by FAN members and ColumbiaTri-Star purchased distribution rights.In November of 1997, Chris Pilliczar, an international entrepreneur joined FAN when he was looking for dis-tribution for a film he executive produced entitled ‘IrishWhisky.’ Currently he is serving as Executive Vice Presi-dent of Film Artists Network. Together with President, Eugene Mandelcorn, a founder of F.A.N., Chris has helped bring F.A.N. to its current level. Chris & Eugene have increasingly established many business relationships with film buyers and distributors,entertainment attorneys, production companies and Film Makers for the purpose of expanding F.A.N. They have initiated co-productions and completed worldwide sales on feature films and documentaries.Since 1998 FAN has held offices at major film and TVmarkets around the world, including the Cannes Film Festival and Market in France. Pilliczar also developed an international FAN contact and resource database, which serves filmmakers around the world. Over the years,thousands of independent filmmakers have been assis-ted in development, funding, pre-production, producti-on, post-production, marketing, sales and distribution.FAN’s primary goal has been and still is to produce quali-ty films that are saleable and distinctive. FAN has alwaysspecialized in filling niches in the independent film indu-stry. There fore FAN has developed additional strategies and systems to help train and educate career-oriented individuals in the science and art of filmmaking: inclu-ding development, funding, pre-production, production, post-production, marketing and distribution of films tothe worldwide market. In 2003 FAN initiated „Global Hands“ a hands-on educational training program to

The History of Film Artists Networkby Eugene Mandelcorn & Chris Pilliczar

Chris Pilliczar and Jon Stevens, Temecula

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create valuable marketing tools like a demo reel, to build or improve the track record of the involved talent above and below the line from around the world. Two films were shot back to back under this programwith three countries (Austria, England and the U.S.). It was a great suc-cess and attracted a tremendous interest. The two films were „JESSIE &JESSE“ and „ATTRACT OPPOSITE.“We also created an educational training program for under-represented and minority individuals and filmmakers in the skills, knowledge, andexperience of marketing and distribution in the motion picture industry. This, in turn, will prepare them for jobs and careers, providing them with opportunities to elevate themselves to upwardly mobile positions in the entertainment industry.We exhibit at showbiz forums and tradeshows and speak on panels at festivals and in public libraries and other educational facilities throug-hout the world.We have created special networking events such as Red Carpet Acade-my Award VIP Parties, Talent Shows and Industry Networking Nights.We have set-up Mock Markets in which we train filmmakers and salespeople how the markets work and the process and techniques of mar-keting and selling films.F.A.N. has had cross-promotion with multiple venders and film industryindividuals. What began as an American innovation is fanning out around the world?Although F.A.N. originated in Hollywood, CA., F.A.N. is now an internatio-nal organization currently forming chapters worldwide.

NATPE market FAN with Franz Harrary Magicia

The Makingof the Film Artists Network

by Susan ThompsonThis is how he paved his way to the “Road to Cannes” and a ladder to success. In 1997-1998 Eugene started a distribution outlet for FAN (not 180 degrees like a fan but 360 degrees like 2 fans together upside down). From its members titles getting distribution with Co-lumbia Tri- Star and buyers worldwide. All the majors are present at the Cannes Film Festival according to Eugene. The parties, the networking and the buyers from around the world all make this film fest a unique experience. If you have a product that has not been distributed yet...here is your chance to get it done. Projects get funded and unfinished products also sell. Only on the French Riviera, one of Eugene‘s favorite places would you see unbelievable things happen. You may even run into famous actors like Eugene with Holly Hunter. Look for Eugene and come out to visit the booth at the market. Discover the new filmed venture, journeyinto Cannes and stay where the magic never ends.

Eugene Mandelcorn The President of FANCannes is famous for The International Film Festi-val and the glitzy cars, beaches, hotels nightclubs and more! Founded in 1939, the Cannes Film Festival is widely considered to be the world‘s most prestigious film festival. The 60th Cannes Film Festival begins on May 16, 2007 and ends May 28, 2007.FAN will be holding their office at the Film Market for the 10th consecutive year. Struggling Filmmakers, other organizations charging high fees $$$ is why Eugene Mandelcorn established FAN. The industry is a never-ending cycle of concessi-on, disadvantage and rejection. Low budget, unproven directors, no distribution deal in place, last minute un-scrambling and ugly promises. This is what challenged Eugene, current President of FAN. Eugene vision and ideal was a worldwide organization that had quality and not quantity and was for producers and directors that had their credits on a completed film. He developed criteria‘s to qualify to become members.

Susan ThompsonSusan has been nominated by Metropolitan Who‘s Who as a VIP and a Lifetime member for her humanitarian efforts.The executive producers on these shows are focusing on the TV-production, business-digital, mobile and international syndication. Susans3 World shows have created a vibrant and exciting television program by showcasing interviews with noted personalities from the entertainment, business, sports and humanitarian fields. The subject matter and style serve to make this show interesting and provocative, while at the same time educational and inspiring.

The dream goes on from year to year with the emotion of a lifetime that will be experienced. Don‘t miss it. Come out and create your own impression of The Can-nes Film Festival and your landscape of light and color.

Susan Thompson at Barcelona Soccer Stadium

Chris Pilliczar Executive The Vice President of FANDo you want to follow the road to Cannes, the vil-lage on the beautiful French Riviera with Chris Pillic-zar? The Cannes Film Festival offers prestige, glamour and Fame for 10 days. Chris was getting ready to head to the Cannes Film Festival with the Film Artists Ne-twork as I interviewed him. His phone was ringing off the hook. It‘s a busy time for us said Chris. According to him, the mission is to help train & educate ca-reer-oriented individuals related to the Art Of Film Making. Film Artists Network (FAN) is a worldwide 501(c) 3 non-profit organization of independent f ilmmakers involved in every aspect of the f ilm making process. That includes: development, funding, pre-production, production, post-production, marketing, sales and dis-tribution. The Art Of Film Making also includes science, utilizing technology, including satellite and digital. The atten-ding Executives of Film Artists Network are Eugene Mandelcorn - President, Chris Pilliczar - Executive Vice President, Marzia Larpin - Sales Manager, & Gisela Berk - Project Acquisition/Sales. FAN has composed a database of producers, direc-tors, f ilmmakers & more. Distribution can go through a studio or independently. Film Artists Ne-twork has teamed up with the Las Vegas -Hollywood Magazine and offers its members highly discounted rates. There are various membership levels depen-ding on the skills and talent of each member. What does the future look like? According to Chris FAN is now starting to restructure and improve its set up to a much higher level. Our main focus will be membership quality and services, f inancing for projects in develop-ment and distribution worldwide.

It is know more and more popular selling 1-2 minute SHORT FILMS to view on cell phones. Mostly inves-tors like to invest in the f ilm business many reasons. One of the main reasons for them to invest is not to make money. They enjoy much more the Prestige, the glamour, exposure and the involvement of a motion picture and investment write off. Investing in a moti-on can Become an extremely high risk, even though, the interesting fact about some of the past motion pictures, that a motion picture is the only product in

the entire world that has brought the highest f inancial return ever. The location of the FAN booth: Palais 01 Booth num-ber 22.04 Booth, tel: +33 (0)4 92 99 80 66 Attending and experience the glitz and glamour of The Cannes Film Festival can be your chance of a lifetime to come.

Painting by Sam „Gray“Painting by Sam „Shepherds Voice“

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RAGEGenre: Thriller Drama, Running time: 95 min.Synopsis: After a long stint in Iraq, Jake Hudson, his mi-litary Buddies and their girlfriends pack up and head out in the country. The small town they drive through seems quaint, but as they simply run out of gas, horrifying things happen and thrilling secrets of the secluded area start to re-veal. Disturbing flashbacks add insights into themind of an unpredictable killer... will the cam-pers make it out alive?Special notes: thrilling and horrifying scenes, USA, Status: CompletedMarket debut

EAMONS ROADGenre: Family Drama, Running time: 86 min.Synopsis: Darlene Raymond’s quiet country life is jolted into horror, when her brother Donny was ter-rifyingly tormented and distorted. An overbe-aring maniac turns unpredictably lethal seeking horrifying revenge. A sad*stic plan is devised to make a new face for Donny. Darlene is forced to lead her friends into a torturous death. Special notes: good horrifying scenes, USA, Status: CompletedMarket debut

EVIL REMAINSGenre: Horror, Running time: 81 minSynopsis: Eight film students go to the mountains to filmtheir student horror film. They come face toFANG with terrifying vampires who try to kill them. They must find out how to defeat thevampires and survive a terrifying night of friends becoming monsters, fire demons, axe fights,stabbings, beheading, bloodlust and explosions. No one knows who will survive the curse and be alive to leave at daybreakSpecial notes: great special effect, USA, Status: Completed

JEALOUS GODGenre: GAY Drama, Running time: 90 min.Synopsis: A modern day version of “Othello” with a

Film Artists Network DistributionCannes 2007 Partial Product List

twist. A delightfully sarcastic gay restaurant ma-nager from Honduras has one weakness – fal-ling for straight men. His clever web of lies and deception convince a handsome regular that his girlfriend is being untrue. The two lovers are merely pawns in a jealous game where trust is a weapon and passion turns deadly. USA, Status: Completed

MY BEST ENEMYGenre: Drama/Comedy, Running time: 91 min.Synopsis: December 1978, two platoons from Chile and Argentina hold out by their border, awaiting the war signal, tension mounts and friendship deve-lops among enemies. USA, Status: Completed Market debut

LITTLE ANGELSGenre: Family Drama, Running time: 98 min.Synopsis: Children are forced to deal with serious and often-heartbreaking issues in the world today. Candy, the leader of an orphan group, findsthat one of the staff members at the orphana-ge is involved in selling children. She alerts the other children, and they all run away. On the streets of Myrtle Beach, So. Carolina, they se-parate. Each faces danger and conflict, but alsolearns the importance of love and friendship. Base on a true story.Special notes: Rated GBased on the true story of Rachael Joy Scott, a young Columbine student.USA, Status: Completed


IN THE SHADOW OF BIN LADENGenre: Educational DocumentaryRunning time: 60 min. (several hours of extra footage available)Synopsis: What is life like along the border of Pakistan and Afghanistan in the famous “Tribal Zone” since the tragic events of Sept. 11, 2001?Viewers will see for the first time the sincerehopes, fears, and struggles these warlike, yet

FILM ARTISTS NETWORK DISTRIBUTION truly independent cinemaPO Box 323, Canoga Park, CA. 91305, TEL: 818 344-0569, FAX: 818 344-0569

Email: [emailprotected], [emailprotected], Web site: www.filmartistsnetwork.com

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television and web show and a virtual tour that makes connections between people to peop-le and homes around the world. Makingthose very connections is the purpose behind “Inter-national Homes and Gardens”, a unique show program that is as varied and engaging as the trends and homes it explores. This show uses the magazine show format to explore what the hideaway has to offer and also uses a host to describe in detail what can be next door that has a real deal behind it.USA, Status: In development, Seeking Funding Market debut

REAL DEALGenre: Documentary, Running time: 90 min.Synopsis: The Story of ordinary people who have made amazing deals in real estate through out the world. AMAZING REAL ESTATE DEALS HIGHLIGHTED. BEST OF THE BEST FROM 2 YEARS OF THE REAL DEAL SERIESUSA, Status: In development, Seeking Funding

Market debut


Genre: Magazine TV Show, Running time: 22mins Episodes Synopsis:Where in the world is Susan? A 1/2-hour tele-vision program, the show chronicles incredible events from around the globe. The first showcovering The World Music Awards 2005 was in Hollywood and has continue to be covered in 2006 in the UK. From the X-Games and the Grammy‘s to the Aspen Food Fights, we never know where Susan will be going next. USA, Status: In development, Seeking Funding Market debut


Genre: Magazine TV Show, Running time: 22-mins Episodes Synopsis:Where in the world is Susan? A 1/2-hour te-levision program, the show chronicles incredi-ble individuals from around the globe. From a 20-something bike messenger in Prague, to a critically acclaimed musician in Dubai, to a ven-ture capitalist in Atlanta, The Susan Thompson Show spans the globe bringing interesting peo-ple together in a creative manner that engages and captivates the viewing audience.USA, Status: In development, Seeking Funding Market debut

ve him directly in the murder of Che Guevara.USA / PUERTO RICO, Status: In Development, Seeking Funding Market debut

THE ARCHDUKE AND HERBERT HINKELGenre: Documentary, Running time: 90 min.Synopsis: An emperor without a throne, a Save-On gree-ter outlived by his obsession, and a young Ame-rican custodian of the Imperial Archive who embarks on a journey to bring them all toge-ther. Three marginalized men who have dared to dream. This aesthetically rich story, narra-ted by Tatyana Yassukovich (the magical voice of the film Chocolat) is a “Quixotic Quest”like no other. Felix Pfeifle archivist of HerbertHinkel‘s 60+ years of correspondences with Austro-Hungarian heir and Euro-politician Ar-chduke Otto von Habsburg, takes us on a jour-ney which pushes the traditional boundaries of documentary filmmaking and explodes into acreative arena of fact mixing with fantasy, bru-shing up against impulsivity and obsession. The archie of Imperial Letters, spanning from 1937 to 1994, is our point of departure as the off--beat scholar Felix Pfeifle experiences vanquis-hed royalty, 20th century chivalry in the face of horror and war, historical revelations, and ulti-mately, three personal stories of self-invention and re-invention. USA, Status: In development, Seeking Funding Market debut

FINDING ISABELLEGenre: Documentary, Running time: 90 min.Synopsis: This is the story of one woman’s “crazy” quest to connect with her recently deceased soul sis-ter. The amazing things she learns, build faith in her life’s spiritual dimension. Are we all going to lose peoplewe love. What do we do when that happens? How do we heal? Or have we really lost them? It’s the same audience as “What the Bleep”, “Spiritual Cinema Circle” “What Dreams May Come” “The Secret”USA, Status: In development, Seeking Funding Market debut

INTERNATIONAL HOMES & GARDENSGenre: Magazine TV Show, Running time: 22mins Episodes Synopsis: A concept that grew out of a TV show, from The Susan Thompson Show, to provide the world with a better insight of homes. Imagine a

FILM ARTISTS NETWORK DISTRIBUTION truly independent cinemaPO Box 323, Canoga Park, CA. 91305, TEL: 818 344-0569, FAX: 818 344-0569

Email: [emailprotected], [emailprotected], Web site: www.filmartistsnetwork.com

incredibly hospitable people face as they live In the Shadow of Bin Laden.Special notes: extra footage available (several hours)Interviews with General Ayaz Khan, a regional famous general from the Afghan and Russian war. Also, an interview with Ishtiaq Khan who is now warlord of the village (two villages) visited. His family has had this position in the village for almost 300 years. Ishtiaq’s wife, Cynthia, who has started and is leading a school for both girls and boys - a school that teaches not just their own culture, but also the cultures of others, gi-ves an interview. Includes interviews with some of the locals themselvesUSA, Status: Completed ROD KNOCKGenre: Car Racing Documentary, Running time: 62 min. Synopsis: Can 3 ex-street racers buy an ordinary car and turn it into a high-speed street racecar with only 2 thousand dollars?Special notes: Could be expanded to become a realit show series. USA, Status: CompletedMarket debut


CARNIVOREGenre: Horror Sci-Fi, Running time: 80 min.Synopsis: When a government biogenetic warfare expe-riment goes wrong, agents of the U.S. Defense Department lose control and their creation es-capes, seeking safety in a local haunted house. Teenagers out for a thrill, encounter a seemin-gly friendly monster with an attitude and perso-nality... only it kills. Special notes: Best Directing Award; Best Editing AwardUSA, Status: Completed

PLANET OF DINOSAURSGenre: (Cult Classic) Sci –Fi Adventure, Run-ning time: 85 min.Synopsis: When a flying spaceship explodes, nine of thecrewmembers crash land on an alien planet. The crewmembers discover that dinosaur-like reptile creatures rule this planet of terror. One by one the astronauts battle for survival as they are attacked by a series of nightmare creatures from a forgotten age. Can civilized man combat the dangers of this Lost World?

Special notes: Award winning stop-motion special effects; Cult ClassicUSA, Status: Completed

LETHAL PREMONITIONGenre: Psychic Thriller (slightly erotic), Running time: 87 min.Synopsis: A woman from a Model Agency has psychic dreams of young girls being murdered by a vampire-like figure. She is alarmed when shediscovers that several sexy female Models have actually been murdered. Things get critical when her own sister disappears and in an unexpected dream she sees herself as one of the victims. Can she save herself?USA, Status: Completed

THE DEMOLITION CREWGenre: Sports Drama, Running time: 111 min.Synopsis: To keep his buddies off the street, Anthony convinces them to play “Dek Hockey” – a form of ice hockey played on a regulation rink with sneakers on a plastic surface. Nobody shows real interest in the game and they always lose. One day Anthony’s car explodes. Convinced he is dead, his friends regret their lack of en-thusiasm for Anthony and Dek Hockey. They dedicate themselves, in his honor, to go the full nine yards. Will they have what it takes to be-come champions?Special notes: Showcases Dek Hockey – a uni-que game sport, similar to ice hockey but pla-yed on plastic surface in a regulation rink with sneakers.USA, Status: Completed


KILLING CHEGenre: Thriller, Running time: 86 min.Synopsis: CIA officer Paul Hoyle is a “contractor” sent toBolivia with a team of Green Berets to stamp out a looming communist insurgency, as well as one Ernesto Che Guevara. Penetrating Gueva-ra’s urban network, Hoyle stumbles upon an unlikely ally, an illegal KGB operative who offers the Americans a trade: help the KGB exfiltrateone of their agents, the legendary “Tania” and the Soviets will give up Guevara. Hoyle is skep-tical, until the Russian explains that both Castro and Moscow want Guevara dead. As the de-adly truth behind the hunt unravels, Hoyle findshimself on a complex and painful journey of self-discovery—and a trajectory that will invol-

FILM ARTISTS NETWORK DISTRIBUTION truly independent cinemaPO Box 323, Canoga Park, CA. 91305, TEL: 818 344-0569, FAX: 818 344-0569Email: [emailprotected], [emailprotected], Web site: www.filmartistsnetwork.com

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David VerklinCEO of Carat Americas, Chairman of Carat Asia Pacific

by Adrienne Scordato

David Verklin joined Carat in 1998 as CEO of Carat Americas and in late 2005 was appointed as Chair-man of Carat Asia Pacific. In his role, David overse-es the operations of Carat in the US, Latin America, Canada and Asia Pacific. He also sits on the Board of Directors for Aegis Group plc (Carat’s holding company).Under David’s leadership, Carat Americas has grown into the world’s leading media & communications company that brings brands and consumers toge-ther. Carat’s diverse product offering is structured around three core strategic business units; Planning & Buying, Diversified Marketing Services, and Mar-keting Analytics & Consulting. Carat’s diverse pro-duct offering is unlike any other in the marketplace with offerings such as full service digital, word-of--mouth, Sports Marketing, Event Sponsorship and Experiential marketing. Carat Americas has become the fastest growing company within the industry with media billings ap-proaching $6.5 billion annually. Carat Americas has over 300 clients including Pfizer, P&G, Revlon, Mo-torola, Adidas, Philips, Hyundai, Kia, Honeywell, Fed Ex, Ameriprise just to name a few, and within three years of opening was awarded the US Media Agency of the Year by AdAge. David is a recognized leader in the media servi-ces industry and currently sits on the Board of the American Advertising Federation, the Ad Council, the Audit Bureau of Circulations, the Virginia Com-monwealth University‘s Ad Center, as well as the New York Multiple Sclerosis Society. Writing about David, Ad Age asks the question, “...is there a sin-gle other human being who has been as much of a leader, visionary, a force for change and a voice of optimism in the media and marketing industries over the last 15 year?” David began his career at Young & Rubicam, New York. He helped create Hal Riney & Partners in San Francisco, first serving as its Media Director and later managing the entire agency as its Managing Director. Under his leadership Hal Riney grew into one of the largest privately held advertising agencies in the Uni-ted States. David is a graduate of the University of

Virginia. He lives with his wife and their three chil-dren in Connecticut.Watch This, Listen Up, Click Here offers a front row seat to the media revolution, exploring the recent history, current landscape and future shape of the media we constantly consume. Carat CEO David Verklin and Journalist Bernice Kanner offer readers a rare view into the inner wor-kings of the media, marketing and advertising indu-stries. Readers will learn why their favorite shows get cancelled, why Oprah gives away cars and how new technology is transforming the media business. For example, did you know...? The average adult spends two hours and forty-five minutes a day liste-ning to the radio, forty-five minutes flipping through magazines, 25 minutes flipping through newspapers, and two hours a day surfing the internet? You‘re ex-posed to approximately 3,000 ads per day. When the temperature drops below 32 degrees, Camp-bell‘s soup ads get the green light to run. Conver-sely, when the pollen count is high, allergy ads like Zyrtec can run. Oprah gave away 276 Pontiac G6‘s to her audience in 2004 because Pontiac was laun-ching that model as a replacement for its Grand Am, and asked Oprah to feature this new car on her „My Favorite Things“ episode. Oprah‘s team agreed un-der the condition that Pontiac give one away to each member of the audience. Pontiac saw no increase in sales from this promotional stunt. Saturday Night Live should be called Friday Night Live. Advertisers see the SNL skits in a dress rehearsal the night be-fore to make sure the program‘s content is not ob-jectionable. Watch This, Listen Up, Click Here explores the use of new media, as well as its impact on traditional media channels and gatekeepers. The media land-scape comes to life through real-world client exam-ples and campaign highlights. From Super Bowl ad extravaganzas to search marketing, the book chro-nicles techniques that advertisers and media buyers are using to make their messages relevant to today‘s consumers. Are you interested in learning more about how me-dia shapes your life, or about changes in the global marketing and advertising business? If so, Watch This, Listen Up, Click Here offers a unique insider‘s perspective from one of the media industry‘s most forward-thinking leaders.

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The legends of the National Basketball Association and the Soboba Band of Luiseno Indians of San Jacinto, California recently held a Golf tournament on the reservation and the legends conducted a Basketball Clinic for the children of the reservation.

Chief and Chairman Robert Salgado and Gene Newton Chairman of RCC Holding Corporation hosted Norm Nixon, Flynn Robinson, Larry Spriggs Keith Erickson, former Lakers stars, David Greenwood, Chicago Bulls, along with 20 other members of the NBA Legends Western Region.

Nixon and Robinson are planning more Basketball Clinics at many of the Native American Communities and Casinos throughout California.

In other news at the Soboba Reservation, Ron Brown, former Los Angeles Rams Wide Receiver, Kick off Return Specialist, and 1984 Olympic Gold Medal winner is the General Manager, of the semi-pro football team, on the Reservation. The team is part of the Patti La Belle Football League.

Las Vegas was close to negotiating to bring a National Basket-

The Sports in Generalby Earl K. Abdullah

ball Association team to the city; however, the proposal to the NBA Board of Governors seems to have fallen short on the NBA requirements. The league is concerned about gambling, the Casinos will not take the NBA off the board, and so the deal appears to be dead. Furthermore Terry Lannie, Chair-man of MGM Properties does not even want another NBA All-Star Game in Las Vegas, due the violence that ensued and he states the patrons of the hotels were afraid to leave their rooms.

In the Boxing Match of the decade, promoted by Golden Boy Promotions, featuring the Golden Boy, Oscar de la Hoya and Pretty Boy Floyd Mayweather Jr. this fight was supposed to be the one that would place boxing back on the map. Floyd Mayweather Jr. emerged as the new Middleweight Champion of the World, despite being promoted by de la Hoya.

In recent years the sport of Boxing had been eclipsed by the Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) or better known as the Ultimate Fighting Championship. The De la Hoya-Mayweather Extrava-ganza could bring in as much as $350 million in revenue, which will make it the highest grossing boxing match ever and very much on par with the MMA.

You can e-mail Earl K. Abdullah, [emailprotected] Chief and Chairman Robert Salgado

Both fighters talked about retirement prior to the bout, but with the so-called controversy from Oscars camp and fans, boxing fans may have an opportunity to see a rematch before the end of 2007.

Speaking of the MMA, Kekoa Quipotla aka DJ Shakin Melodiz a native of Hawaii, now living in Las Vegas, has been involved in Mixed Martial Art for the past 15 years, has formed SHO-GUN MMA Management, composed of fighters from around the world and is planning to help launch a new MMA Promoti-on Company within the next several months. Because of the popularity of the sport around the world Shakin Melodiz, is taking his fighters globally as well promoting, matches throu-ghout the U.S.

Oscar De La Hoya vs. Floyd MayweatherThe Boxing Match of the Century

by Pete Allman

In what was the biggest grossing fight in the history of boxing, certainly helped to publicize the sport. The split decision Floyd Mayweather Jr. (38-0-0-24 KO‘s) won taking the WBC Super Welterweight Title from Oscar De La Hoya (38-5-0-30 KO‘s) has kept Mayweather content. „I told you guys this is my last fight, and as of right now, I‘m sticking by my word. I don‘t know what the future holds for Floyd Mayweather.,” he states. The fight Mayweather fought May 5th at the MGM Grand against De La Hoya proved that he could back up his words with his speed and his aloofness. Mayweather won the fight on points,. When I spoke to Ice-T at the Hard Rock, he told me,“ As far as I was concerned, it was a draw. Oscar should have used his jab!“ Actor Wesley Snipes stated,“ Mayweather‘s got the speed, but I got to give it to Oscar, he has the heart.“ If you listen to the fans, all 16,700 of them, or so it seemed. They felt De La Hoya won the fight, De La Hoya, the aggressor for all 12 rounds, also felt he won. „I felt I won the fight,“ De La Hoya said, „I‘m a champion. You have to do more than that to beat a champion.“ When you look at the facts neither fighter was knoc-ked down. But the scorecards speak for themselves. Chuck Giampa had it 116-112 for Mayweather. Tom Kaczmarek scored it 115-113 for De La Hoya. Jerry

Roth, the final judge, wrote it 115-113 for Mayweather. Looking at the punch stats, Mayweather connected on 207 of 481 punches (43 percent). De La Hoya threw 587 punches and landed 122 (21 percent). In power punches, Mayweather threw 241 and landed 138 (57 percent). De La Hoya executed 341 and hit with just 82 (24 percent). One could see that De La Hoya was frustrated as Mayweather was laughing during the fight. „I was having fun in there,“ Mayweather said. „I could see his shots coming. I stayed on the outside and made him miss.“ „He was rough and tough, but he couldn‘t beat the best,“ states Mayweather. Even at the press conference Richard Schaefer, Chief executive officer of Golden Boy promotions, told the media that there was a question on the scorecards and that the outco-me might change. Bottom line, Keith Keizer, Executive director of the Nevada Athletic Commission, ruled the one scorecard in question was correct and the decision would stand. Although De La Hoya pushed the fight, he couldn‘t match the speed of Mayweather. He just couldn‘t score enough points. So what’s the future for De La Hoya? „We‘ll wait and see before deciding my future,“ he stated. Don‘t be surprised if a re-match for this fight comes up in the near future.

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The Latest in Global Online Tradingby Earl K. Abdullah

Technology has made the world smaller and smarter. Imagine, what would happen if you had the resources to reach a quali-fied manufacturer any where on the globe and within a matter of seconds, you could see the product demonstrated, studied, over your multi-media device, speak to the representative and have your items delivered to your home or office within 24 hours, or in just few days? I think that the most of us earthlings would appreciate something like that.

Enter American Global Business, Inc. and the American Ma-nagement Consulting Services, LLC. It’s a mega project of Dr. Khan who has researched and analyzed on a Global Business enhancement for diversified development for industries for the past few years. His main target is to assist in expanding the in-frastructure of small and medium size companies to compete and trade on a global level without spending millions.

Dr. Mohammed Ismail Khan President/CEO has over 17 years of experience in the various industries and is very active in the business community worldwide. He held several key positions in the different industries and handled various projects including managing limited to full service Hotels, Universities, Hospitals, etc. Additionally, he has held positions in Convention and Visi-tors Bureau, Tours and Travel, Chamber of Commerce, Public Relations, Sales and Marketing, Consulting and Management. Dr. Khan has traveled the world to study the global market and the economy.

Dr. Khan has conceptualized the challenges of managing to owning the businesses in this very competitive, rapid changing world. Therefore, he has formed American Management Con-sulting Services, LLC (AMCS) with the very best and successful professionals in this industry and by using today’s cutting edge technology as the realization, which will bring your business to a new horizon.

This business model is designed in order to appeal to a broad mix of markets for businesses and consumers as well. How can one company serve both? In the 21st century, the formu-la has changed, thanks to Internet technology; consumers and businesses are just a click away. American Global Business, Inc has organized a global busine-

ss network. Dr. Khan says the vision occurred, while he was managing businesses across the globe and meeting people from all walks of life. “Everything that we use in our daily life is made, shipped and consumed somewhere on earth”. Dr. Khan continues, “What if I could unite the business community on a global level and facilitate buying, selling and trading of goods and services under one roof, which could be a good business endeavor”.

The various aspects of these projects has been categorized into a modern themes which is focused in the business experience and successful destinations in attracting small businesses and companies in using the services of this global network.

American Global Business is just the tip of the iceberg. Dr. Khan had the audacity to enhance American Global Busi-ness, Inc with American Management and Consulting Services, LLC. A business model designed to lend support, management, consulting, customer service to the businesses and consumers in buying, selling and trading on www.GoAGB.com.

Dr. Khan will introduce the ultimate virtual Convention and Conference Center for global business network, which will be accessed by millions worldwide. This will be a great tool for any size company to showcase their products and services to the whole world for a fraction of cost.

American Management and Consulting Services LLC, (AMCS), encompasses five divisions and business centers including, Avi-ation, Hospitality, Education, Entertainment, Medical Health and Wellness. www.GoAMCS.com.

The Aviation Division purchases aircraft to be retrofitted for lu-xury travel and lease the aircraft to its clientele. It is a one stop shop for all your aircraft and aviation needs with the most com-petitive price in the world without compromising safety, quality and higher standards. The Division is headed by a world class group of professional and engineers. Dr. Khan says, “I only want to work with the best professionals with the best expertise, to set the stage for the next generation.

The Hospitality Division will be owning, managing and assisting hotels and resorts owners worldwide from small to full service properties.

“The Education Division is the most important”, states, Dr. Khan. “To have the ability to connect underprivileged children around the world to education is the absolute key for the sur-vival and evolution of humankind”

Dr. Khan has identified and organized higher E-learning insti-tutions in several countries worldwide. Khan’s PhD University Institute is an educational institute, which guides students and working professionals in obtaining associated degrees, bache-lors, masters or doctorates through American and European Accredited Universities. It assists the students, professionals, service men and women deployed overseas in obtaining the most cost effective accredited degrees without sacrificing the-ir career while learning. It also provides personal tutors and professors in directing students in achieving their goals in edu-cation. It is partnering with companies to provide computers to children throughout the world, which will provide access to education for those young people that are under privileged.

“The primary objective of our Education Division is to establish a PhD University Institute Campus in the United States, Africa and Philippines. We envision bringing underprivileged students from different parts of the world to study and receive a world--class education. PhD University Institute will be funded by AGB and AMCS. Our purpose is to give back to the world and to help future generation to succeed”.

The Entertainment Division provides audiovisual services to clients worldwide, via AGB TV Coordinating video interviews with clients to market product and services. The Entertain-ment Division will produce a high profile Commercials, Movies, Concert, Sports, and Theatre Entertainment Series, across the globe.

Dr. Khan will also launch AGB Business Magazine, which will have two versions. One will be e-magazine and the other will be a printed copy for non-tech savvy members and for the working professionals who are always on the go. This magazi-ne will update members with the latest news from the business world.

The Medical, Health and Wellness Division will enhance the globalization of Worldwide Traditional Natural Medicines combined with Global Pharmaceutical Companies. The Health and Wellness division has plans to open Health and Wellness centers across the Globe.

Dr. Khan who has researched the possibilities for many years says, “The technology has provided those of us with the fore-sight to make a positive impact on the entire world and offer everyone equal access to goods and services through multiple multi-media channels”.

American Global Business, Inc and American Management Consulting Services, LLC will be launched world wide in mid June 2007. The companies will be operating from Las Vegas in United States with braches in Los Angeles, New York, London, (UK), Sharjah (United Arab Emirates) and Manila (Philippines)

This business of future online commerce is a new global expe-rience with one of the largest scale business attractions using the latest technologies in order to encourage and enhance the success of your business within any spot of the globe. As you can realize this global business is designed to respond to the growing international demand for quality, variety of global brands but also with a unique method of technologies.

Center: Mohammed Ismail Khan, Right: Stanley W. McKiernan, Glen Mills, Left: Lorkan Kelly, Everrett Chow, Robert Alleman, Teri Reinhardt, Todd Cleary

Stanley W. McKiernan - International Legal Affairs

Dr. Mohammed Ismail Khan

Mohammed Ismail Khan and Teri Reinhardt

Todd J. Cleary and Mohammed Ismail Khan

(PDF) Las Vegas Hollywood Magazine Cannes Film Festival[1] - DOKUMEN.TIPS (17)

Grand Prix Las Vegasby Ladi Novotny

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Aleksey & MarinaPhotopaintingAleksey Kozlov - The PhotographerMarina Khlebnikova - The ArtistMembers of the International Federation of Artists (IFA) and the Artists Union of Russia. Since 1998 they have been working on the joint project „PHO-TOPAINTING“ - Synthesis Photography and Pain-ting. This includes special techniques of processing negative film solutions using acids and dyes known only to professionals. This technique has received a rebirth in „PHOTOPAINTING“ and has helped to create bright, expensive, very unusual works of art.

Aleksey, Your artworks are amazing. How does a single picture bear? Is it created directly in your mind and then you are trying close it to your vision? Or is the theme cre-ated during a shooting, because the models and settings inspire you?

Process of shooting is a means for us, instead of a purpose. And we shall not begin to remove until we clear all subtitles of the chosen idea. Only after that judgment, WHAT we wish to express and what tech-nical and art means will be necessary for us, we start to embody stage by stage conceiving.: to draw sket-ches of the staff and suits, to select models, to make necessary suits and accessories; to do photosession and then already - directly to work with negatives. Of course, like in any creative process, this order can be broken: the model can inspire you to a theme that we would not think of; or during shooting there will be the staff, having other, not stipulated sense; or processing of a negative will bring a new plot in a conceive. But it is more likely an exception.

What was an initial idea to modify a negative picture by hand... in these computer ages? Do you think that with computer you & Marina could reach a final art more ea-sily? Or does a hand made work show better result (e.g. you don‘t know how the chemical and hand adjustment exactly ends and with computer you are working directly to final adjustment?)

Our works are our ideas, feelings, sensations and the vision, stated to ours language in the form of studio modeling shooting in the style created by us „Photo-painting“. For example, work „Charade“ (see http://alekseymarina.com) are reflections on a theme of communication between fortuities, regulars, static character and fragility of the order. We observed that it was impossible to draw a conclusion on the main thing. Spectator sees model, but does not see neither its persons, nor a core. Besides, any balance for aspiring is broken - PUANTI (puanti – are ballet shoes) and rigid lateral light have brought in a sym-metric picture paradoxical instability. And entangle happens more likely speculative, rather than real -at model hands are connected, but they are connected by darlings satiny bow. All poses have been concei-ved as a symbol, a hieroglyph having plural senses.Or, for example, one of our latest works - „ TIME TO CHANGE A LEATHER„. It is a result of our

by Miloslav Zmrzlyreflections about importance and inevitability of the process of transformation. In fact we incline frequent-ly to many respects that we get used. Habitual is fine and favorite for us. But this is the world of changes. Everything is subject of a transformation and nothing is eternal. For those who go toward to new and it is ready to vary, time of changes becomes the beginning of a new life, instead of the end old.„BURNING HEART“ is an image of a mythical Angel of validity with eternal burning heart, ignoring the in-differences, left open eye sees only defects, and a pu-nishing sword.

We do not hear for the first time the questions like why do we avoid computer intervention in PHOTOPAINTING so much...

First, manual skills are always estimated. Not because it is more labor-consuming. Computer art does not borrow less efforts and time. But the factis - that the things made by hands - „alive“. They pos-sess the power of the author in themselves.Secondly, the greater role in PHOTOPAINTING is played by the factor of accident - it is impossible to completely control the process of reagents influence on a negative. But frequently it leads not to a failure, but to new finds and effects. That‘s way, it is not only demonstration of skills and ability, but also a source of new ideas and inspiration. Tertio, any computer pro-gram is capable to generate such quantity of unique invoices where there is no cloned element. And it, as a result, influences made impression of vitality.

You are professional photographer. Do you feel in your branch that everyone who buys a digital camera and com-puter becomes a „big photographer“ in a moment, be-cause he offers a lower price to customer and professional photography level is decreased and for really professional photographers it is not enough jobs?

Digital technologies really give us new opportunities in a photo. Especially when it is a question of a commer-cial photo and computer creativity.Mobility and availability – this are the main advantages of a digital photo. It is simply and convenient. But all is good on one place. Fast food is quickly, convenient and nourishing, when our problem is to appease the hunger in 15 minutes. But where would you like to have a romantic supper or to take pleasure in meal? Really want in a fast food restaurant? With a digital photo it is the same story. Also it is impossible to refer as the photographer, never having tested sacred trem-bling from occurrence on a white leaf of the appearing image in a solitude darkroom. Every photo is unique - in fact human hands can not do clones, in contrast to mechanisms. People will always appreciate all PRE-SENT. With all charm of synthetics and substitutes, they will choose natural products and the things made by hands. But one without another does not stir, and unless we can present the life without disposable plas-tic utensils.

Time to leatherchange, 2005 Sebastian, 2000

Burning heart, 2001She - Wolf, 2001

www.alekseymarina.com www.calendars.alekseymarina.com

(PDF) Las Vegas Hollywood Magazine Cannes Film Festival[1] - DOKUMEN.TIPS (19)

Hello Dere!by Dawn McCaffrey

It’s the mantra of comedian Marty Allen. Over the years he has appeared with such greats as Frank Sinatra, Eydie Gorme, and the original Fab Four twice (Also known as the Beatles) on Ed Sullivan’s TV show and he was a many time repeated guest on the Tonight Show, hosted by Johnny Carson. Marty relates how he got his big break when he appeared with the legendary Nat “King” Cole. That’s when he met Steve Rossi and the team of Allen and Rossi was born.After three years of performing on continuous cruises from Alaska to Mexico and from the Caribbean to the Mediterra-nean, Marty and his partner and wife of twenty-three years, Karon Kate, finally returned to dry land; here in Las Vegas. They are now performing their hilarious act at the Gold Coast Casino Hotel. They are happy to be here after more than 600 appearances on those many cruises.Karon Kate opens the show in a vibrant colored gown sin-ging a medley starting with “Signed, Sealed, and Delivered.” Her talent as a singer is an excellent compliment to Marty’s comedy where she also plays as the “straight man” to him. She introduces Marty as the “Godfather of Comedy”. He appears in a tux and with his trademark wild, wiry hair and bugged out eyes and he relates how he’s recognized as a real life Troll Doll. Marty still is the same funnyman he was when he started some forty plus years ago. His comedy is updated to cur-rent events as well as those little everyday quirks that keep us laughing. Marty keeps Karon on her toes as he throws out unrehearsed impromptu lines during their on-stage act. She makes several gown changes; one is a beautiful, sparkling gold gown that shows off her golden coloring and strawber-ry blonde locks. Marty also makes changes into a dress as he sings and dances with Karon. His next change is as Buddy, the ventriloquist dummy. He’s proud that his audiences can come and enjoy great humor and laugh without it being rude and crude. Marty originally from Pittsburgh, PA entered this world eighty-five years ago. After high school, he enlisted in the Air Force and was awarded the Soldier’s Medal of Valor during WW II. After the war, he attended USC where he studied journalism. He supplemented his GI bill income by appearing in small clubs doing his comedy act. His comedy career in-cludes nightclubs, movies and television. Remember him as a Hollywood Square? Did you see him in Cannonball Run II or Ballad of Billie Blue? Watch him dance and be impressed with his moves that come from the days when he sold do-or-to-door dance lessons at $10 a hour. He claims he was the first to do this. Karon realizes she is his partner and is “dancing with a star”. Karon Kate Blackwell, a “farm girl”, as she calls herself, was born and raised near Ellisville, MS. Her talents abound as she sings Rock ‘n’ Roll and plays the piano like a female Jerry Lee Lewis. She then follows up with a string of Beatle songs from the “Long and Winding Road” and “Eleanor Rig-by” to “Hard Day’s Night”, then finishing with “Hey Jude”. As a wedding gift for Marty, she wrote and performed “Wedding Vows” at their wedding. It is a love song that is the number one pick for weddings all over the world. What finer way to finish their show. She sang it to him and the words say it all. The audience gave them a thunderous applauds and many had tears in their eyes. To wrap up the evening, long-time friend, Ernest Borgni-

ne, made a surprise appearance and joined everyone in celebrating the Godfather of Comedy’s belated 85th birthday! His birthday is March 23. Both Ernie and Marty were kind enou-gh to take photos with a long line of admirers. In the audience were many other celebrities. With patience and sincerity, Marty took time to speak and greet all his fans.

Movies Short & Sweet

by Polly PelusoSpider Man 3In „Spider Man 3“, based on the legendary Marvel Comics series, Peter Parker has finally managed to strike a balance between his devotion to M.J. and his duties as a superhero. But, there is a storm brewing on the horizon. His suit suddenly changes to jet-black and enhances his powers. It transforms Peter as well, bringing out the dark, vengeful side of his personality that he is struggling to con-

trol. Under the influence of the suit, Peter becomes overconfident and starts to neglect the people who care about him most. Forced to choose between the seductive power of the new suit and the com-passionate hero he used to be, Peter must overcome his personal de-mons. Because now two of the most-feared villains yet, Sandman and Venom, gather unparalleled power with a thirst for retribution that threatens Peter and everyone he loves. Cast: Tobey Maguire, Kirsten Dunst, James Franceo, Thomas Haden Church, Topher Grace, Bryce Dallas Howard, James Cromwall, Rosemary Harris and J.K. Simmons. A Columbia Pictures production.

Vacancy„Vacancy“ is a horror/thriller from Screen Germs. When David (Luke Wilson) and Amy Fox‘s (Kate Beckinsale) car breaks down in the mid-dle of nowhere. They are forced to spend the night at the only mo-tel around, with only the TV to entertain them. They then discover that the low-budget slasher movies they‘re watching were all filmed in the very room they‘re sitting in. Hidden cameras are aimed at them; watching them in rooms, crawl spaces, underground tunnels and fil-ming their every move. David and Amy must struggle to get out alive before whoever is watching them can finish their latest masterpiece.

Surf‘s Up„Surf‘s Up“ is an animated comedy that delves behind the sce-nes of the high-octane world of competitive surf ing. The f ilm prof iles teenage Rockhopper penguin Cody Maverick (Shia La-Beouf ), an up and coming surfer as he enters his f irst pro com-petition. Followed by a camera crew to document his experien-ces, Cody leaves his family and home in Shiverpool, Antarctica to travel to Pen Gu Island for the Big Z Memorial Surf Off. Along the way, Cody meets surf nut Chicken Joe ( John Heder), a famous surf promoter Reggie Belafonte ( James Woods), surf talent scout Mikey Abromowitz (Mario Cantone), and spirited lifeguard Lani Aliikai (Zooey Deschanel), all of whom recogni-ze Cody‘s passion for surf ing, even if it sometimes goes too far. Cody believes that winning will bring him the admiration and respect he desires. But, when he unexpectedly comesface-to-face with a washed-up old surfer Geek ( Jeff Bridges), Cody begins to f ind his own way, and discovers that a true winner isn‘t always the one who comes in f irst. Sony Pictures Animation / Columbia Pictures.

Borgine, Dawn, Karon, Marty

(PDF) Las Vegas Hollywood Magazine Cannes Film Festival[1] - DOKUMEN.TIPS (20)

The Filming Industry:Looking to Make a Movie

by Bob RindMillions of people look to the movie industry as a glamorous, fun-filled, rewarding industry that reaps in with money. Just look at the high salaries the “Beautiful people” receive and all the media attention they get. Yes, this is all true, but does the moviegoer realize what it takes to put together and present a film. In this article I will try to give some insight into this busi-ness.

It all starts naturally with the script. This might take the writer months or even years to complete and then it has to be edited, which this might also take weeks or months to do. Now we have a script ready for filming. This next part is finding interested parties willing to invest and produce the script. This also might take weeks, months and years to obtain. If I had the space in this article I could name for you dozens of popular films that took years till a producer decided to take a chance on it.

Now usually an option is taken on the script from the writer, against a proposed purchased price. If the writer is a member of the Screen Writers Guild a guideline is there for the purchase price, and residuals. If the writer is not a guild member a negotiated price is obtained. Next comes a closer look at the script for maybe a rewrite possibility. Many times the original writer might make the change or the producer with his director will assign this to another writer.

Once the script is finalized a budget is made with keeping in mind what actors might be cast for the film. Then a shooting schedule is provided. Then we get into a pre, schedule that covers special preparations like obtaining animals, special ve-hicles and sets for shooting. Next comes the pre shooting part where casting of the featured actors, scouting shooting loca-tions, obtaining all the working crews, director’s, producer’s, and production staffs.

One other thought is that if you are filming in the USA, is the film using a SAG (Screen Actors Guild) cast or non-union cast. This determination affects the budget. There are other in-tricacies that also come about with the Directors Guild and the Screen Writers Guild, but at this time we need not go into it.

After rehearsals and the final shooting the film is developed and then goes for editing and musical sound track. This alone can take months. When the film is finished for viewing and if it is not sold to a studio the Film Company will take to various Film Festivals here in the USA or overseas. Other factors that have to be included, is raising the money and negotiating with the cast members. Also obtaining the right director for the film and the proper crew that the director and the producer are comfortable with.

Raising money can happen in many ways. Some banks will help with the financing at certain levels of investment. Usually it’s the big studios that might go this route. The state of New Mexico has a very acceptable program of financing, as long as the shooting has to be in New Mexico. There are investing companies that will work with you on percentage deal in which you have to do your best in. securing your best interest. The Film Company puts certain amount and the investment com-pany the rest. Percentage splits on the returns are also negoti-able. The investor have the right in choosing a Bonding Com-pany which is the one to approve and oversees the budget and shooting schedule for the investor.

Private investors play a big part of the industry. Many of these investors see a great potential in making money. When a film is sold and distributed and shown in the theaters, after distributors expenses the investor receives his money back and then the rest is split between the Film Company and the investor at a pre-determined percentage.

Here are just four of many films with there investments and there theater profits. Remember residuals from DVD’s, Video Cassettes, TV viewing to the Company and the investor is forever. 1) 28 Day’s Later.......................

Cost $3 million, made $130 million

2) Rocky..................................Cost $1.1 million, made $145 million

3) Napoleon Dynamite............Cost $400,000, made $125 million

4) Greek Wedding................... Cost $5 million, made $320 million.

Yes, there are some films that bombed or didn’t make what was expected. In most of these cases the script was weak, or the direction and topic was unpleasant. Because of this many films go directly to DVD’s, Video Cassettes or TV and eventu-ally the investor regain his investment.

Presently I’m involved in several films and TV productions,but I have a few good products and we are looking. My group of associates is very experienced in the industry with good track records.

If anyone is interested and would like more information I can be contacted at e-mail [emailprotected].

(PDF) Las Vegas Hollywood Magazine Cannes Film Festival[1] - DOKUMEN.TIPS (21)

The Road to Cannes,the „City of Cannes“

by LVH Staff

Zoska Aleece

Former actress. Now a Healer

Master, writer, producer, painter, aspired ever since a little girl

to save the World/to make a difference. In resistance to be a healer

became a model then actress moved to Los Angeles from Australia in pursuing

of her career. It took a family tragedy for her to get serious to recognize

her God given healing abilities and the importance of it. She turned her

beloved spiritual hobby of 20 years into going to school full time

and became a full-blown healer/teacher. Currently in the movie in

the „Blink Of An Eye“ by Jaime Gomez, which she also produced?

Presently shooting her own documentary „Heal Yourself“

introducing people to many healing techniques, Miracle

Healers, Spiritual Leaders and the benefits of healing.

Now looking for investors for her feature animation for

children „Love It Or Lose It“ teaching them all the

spiritual tools she knows and how to save our beautiful

planet through our young generation. Hoping to work with

Mr. Steven Spielberg on this project. Also in a process of

writing a movie called „The Healer“ about a devastating

drama in a family. All her projects are entertaining, edu-

cational, hope giving and enlightening. Zoska is creating

a non-profit organization with group of scientists, healers

and anyone that cares and wants to get involved. She

wants to make a drastic difference starting from turning

waste into fertilizer, purifying water, providing food to

reducing pollution through a ll kinds of technology. She

believes there are answers to all problems we just have to

get involved and work as ONE because when the last tree

goes down it will be too late for ALL of us.

The Polish Princess.

Tel: 310 [emailprotected] www.healyourselfwzoska.com

Cannes is the „star attraction“ of the French Riviera.It is famous for the International Film Festival and for its glitzy hotels, sports cars, stunning beaches and star stud-ded visitors that visit here. The film festival in May sees the arrival of famous film producers and actors. However, tourists year-round and crowds of tourists arrive for summer. It attracts both exo-tic people and real people, and of course plenty of pood-les (it is France, after all!). Super yachts and small yachts, cruise ships and fishing boats all f loat in the surrounding crystal clear blue waters.This is the place that you will see more of the latest model Maserati‘s Lamborghini‘s and Ferrari‘s than anywhere else on the planet!The city of Cannes is centered around the old port, with the central part quite compact. The famous „Croisette“ is the boulevard and the beach that extends around the bay to the east of the port, in the protected „Rade de Cannes“. The „old town“ is „Le Suquet“ overlooking the west end of the port. The 12th-century Tour de Mt. Chevalier, ramparts and 12th-16th-century church Notre-Dame--de-l‘Espérence give a touch of medieval flavour to the city. The main daily market is at Forville, two blocks north (inland) from the Hotel de Ville on Rue Félix Faure. This is a big, active covered market, that takes up a full, long block (photo). A flower market is at the west end of the covered area. On Mondays, Forville becomes a Marché Brocante (flea market). Cannes is also famous for it amazing white sanded beaches - with miles and miles of them along the Golfe de la Napoule or along „La Croisette“ in the Rade de Cannes. Of course you don‘t have to be rich and famous to come to Cannes. But it sure is fun ‚rubbing‘ shoulders with them!


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(PDF) Las Vegas Hollywood Magazine Cannes Film Festival[1] - DOKUMEN.TIPS (22)

Spiritual & Financial Success!by Angelina Lazar

Dear Charismatic Readers,Zurich, Switzerland

Last issue, I began on a rampage many of you, perhaps considered over the top, and worthy of ignoring for your own peace of mind, which I also did at first. After all, isn’t it more pleasant to stick to your own perfect routine: enjoying your workouts, lattes, sitcoms, and bars, instead of pondering an upcoming recession? You can, rather, pretend I never said anything, and acknowledge what you want, so the truth about our economic catastrophic con-dition might then just fall off the face of the earth and implode upon itself without ever coming into being, if you just stayed focused on its antithesis.... But it doesn’t work that way. So, allow me to continue.... with my cordial invitation, spiritual support, and charismatic lifeline, which you’ll be most pleasantly and shockingly surprised, relie-ved, and elated you accepted.

So, what did I say about the U.S. housing market? I men-tioned that the coming U.S. economic downfall would begin with this most stable market in America! Is anyone following the news or, better yet, reading between the lines? New Century Financial, the country’s largest sub--prime lender just filed bankruptcy. I know you heard that, but did it sink in, and did you reflect upon what the implications are, and what is starting to unfold? HSBC, the 2nd or 3rd (alternating) top bank in the world, also took a major hit to their profit line first time in their long history, due to the fact that they entered the sub--prime lending arena! And, what did they do? Besides, firing both CEOs of America and North America, they made the decision to take a $700M loss in selling off a third of their New Zealand portfolio, instead of waiting for the trend to reverse! Why? Why did they willingly take such a substantial loss, my friends? If they bought the portfolio at $1.2 B, why would they sell it for only $500M? Of course, they have the funds to wait for the trend to reverse, so why take such a hit? There is only one answer. And that is: they do not expect the trend to reverse.

Ding, ding, ding!.... Virtually, the biggest bank in the world made such a judgment calls to get out now, and take a huge loss. Because the losses will just become more and more exorbitant if they wait. Not only that, but they also said they would never repeat the same mistake. Paraphrased, this means, they are out for good from the sub-prime lending arena. Meaning, they have started to pull back credit. Will other banks do the same? But, of course. Very soon now, credit will be pulled back, bank by bank, until money becomes very tight. The money, Americans have depended upon, as everyone lives off of credit today!

No? ... Well, let me just ask you: how much equity do you have in your home right now; and how much money did you put down when you bought it? Can you pay off the balance right now with a lump sum? No?..... How

about your car?..... Can you go today to the dealership, and pay it off so you can forget about your monthly car bill? If not, it is because you are used to living on credit, and depend upon it wholly and completely, in the unhe-althiest way possible. And when we simply will not have access to it anymore - as it simply will not exist as banks will not be able to avail themselves to us anymore, what will we do? What would you do now, knowing this will be? OK. - DO IT! That is what I am talking about.

Greenspan, himself, revealed to an elite group who paid $150K to hear him say this, that he thought the housing bubble, indeed, could soon burst, causing a recession in the U.S. And if he only knew this would leak (for free), and the effect it would have on those listeners, and their listeners, and so on, and so on, he would not have bothered to even mention it, but would have continued to uphold it to the extent that rightfully continue to re-main in a clueless state, as after all, mainstream media has to have it right. And report it right, right?

Could it be that our lifestyle doesn’t allow you to “think”? I mean, after all, in a few minutes, your favorite sitcom is about to begin, which will further de-sensitize you from any healthy thinking pattern you might be ac-quiring; and you already have it in your mind. Your time is up now in the waiting room, subway or spa, so your reflection time shuts down simultaneously with having to put down this magazine; and everyone else around you is, likewise, deluded, so you figure, if you’re in it together. You have to all be right, right wrong?

Hmmmm.... I think you already know how I’ll respond. So from now on, read between the lines on what is announced; and catch what banks are experiencing as a result, and we will go on to discuss other economic in-dicators that are, likewise, going in the wrong direction. You can sum it all up then, come to believe, and make the right decisions to save yourself.

First thing’s f irst, though. Establish for yourself your own personal Mission Statement, so you remain groun-ded, and do not lose yourself with the full force of the knowledge of the financial state of our macroecono-mic. Set aside some quiet time, write out the bullets of what your values are, your passion is, your objectives and goals in life are, and legend is to be. Work bac-kwards. Think forwards. What do you want to accom-plish and be known for? Are you on that path? Are you doing what you ought to be doing?

This will help to catapult you to the state you should be in, the first thing is to turn off the T.V. that has eaten away at your discernment, robbed you of living your own life, implanted detrimental behavior, lifestyles and dissected and infected the unity and harmony of your own family and life. Cut your TV time down in half. A good film is always wonderful, and most inspiring; but take some time for yourself as well: for prayer, reflection, introspection and reading. purchase a good economic book at your nearest bookstore; make sure you get f inancial and spiritual food to reverse your de-hydration, which makes you so gullible, scattered, and on shaky ground. Open your eyes. Stay tuned for more with each issue, leading you to a safe harbor, exclusi-ve information for our elite insiders. Listen and learn.

With spiritual ears, hear the media; learn to paraphrase what they are actually saying. Get spiritually grounded and financially f it. As you will need to make some seri-ous adjustments. Are you ready?....

Remaining Yours Charismatically,

Angelina [emailprotected]

Commodities Trader: Gold, Diamonds, Oil, Economist, Private Ban-ker, Idealogoue, Defender of Human Rights, Peacemaker, Writer, Speaker. Financial wisdom accredited to Dr. Kurt Richtebacher: world‘s foremost economist & financial advisor to central bankers and billionaires.

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by Beth Simonson Handler

Technology has changed the ways products get marketed and sold, using television, film and the World Wide Web. The first secret is to reach the consumer when they are most receptive—while being entertained.

Life changed with TIVO and other television recording devices which upended the traditional advertising model with “ala carte” ad viewing. Now the viewer controls whether and when she or he watches the commercials kic-ked-up by the creative juices of ad and marketing executives. These new ways to reach the consumer have many brands questioning the value of the thirty-second advertising spot.

“Network ad executives were very smart as they saw a threat coming to the thirty second spot business,” said Betsey Green, President of Mediamatchmaker.com, a service that brings content producers and brands together. “The new industry that emerged is product placement and product integration, where a brand or product can be in the background or integrated right into a show every time it runs.”

With the expansion of consumer broadband service video content is moving to the Internet and exciting new inte-ractive ways to sell products and services have emerged as a result.

Based on the power of product placement and its efficacy in reaching consumers, supercharged, interactive produ-ctions have shown up as video content on the web. Consumers can now shop as they watch by clicking within the

Technology and the New Secrets of Selling Using TV and Film:

A Behind the Scenes View

content of their favorite online television shows, video games and films. One of the pioneers of this technology is Compul-sion.tv...According to Scott Mahoney, one of the co-foun-ders, “It is advertising by choice. Before you were forced to watch a spot or you left the room. Now you can decide when you can be advertised to by clicking on what you want to see,”

This is empowerment! Most producers create con-tent never realizing that it can be interactive. One simply imbeds the software on each video frame and adds hyperlinks on featured items.

The dark side of this new way of watching and shopping is that every click is tracked. Regardless, it’s a real win-win for everyone involved. The pro-ducer gets to sell her or his video real estate and show the value of the content by quantifying the number of consumers who click on items; the mar-keting research folks get real time data on consu-mer behavior; and brands get consumer traffic and sales.

continue on page 46

Scott Mahoney, Compulsion.tv

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continued from page 44

So what can be sold direct to the consumer using television, film and the Internet?

Jack Kirby is President of E-Commerce for EURO RSCG DRTV, the largest direct-to-consumer agency in the world, and Ad Age’s Global Agency of the Year in 2006. According to Kirby, “You can sell virtu-ally anything direct to the consumer. The products that do well are typically entertainment products, DVDs, knowledge-based products, beauty products, fitness and health, wellness, ingestible products, nu-traceuticals and even real estate.” Jack adds, “Direct response com-pared to the regular way a product is brought to market is a very efficient way to reach the consumer.”

So how does an entrepreneur or producer process the products and services they sell? You must contract with a fulfillment center that can act as your distribution/customer service center in a seamless fa-shion. This critical element should be established first and before any marketing and advertising is considered. Success can be the number one reason for failure so you had better be sure that you can handle the massive traffic. According to Andy Arvidson, owner of Imagine Fulfillment Services, “Fulfillment is no longer just a ‘pick order and ship box’ function as it was in the past. It has grown into many diverse fields such as payment

processing, customer service, outbound sales, media placement, international and domestic shipping and brokering. You benefit from a wealth of value by establishing yourself with a well-versed fulfillment center.”

Besides being integrated backend operations they can provide warehousing of the invento-ry and provide real time tracking and reporting of every detail of your business and cam-paign. Best-of-breed fulfillment firms such as Imagine Fulfillment Services give you round--the-clock online access and extensive reporting so you can stay on top of every aspect of your operation. They collect and build your goldmine of customers so you can continue to market to them. These are but a few of the emerging new marketing strategies and secrets that sell products and services profitably using television and film. Whether you are producing a film or te-levision show, or looking for new ways to get your products to masses of consumers, there are powerful new techniques and strategies to reach your target audience.

Beth Simonson Handler is President of EMedia Marketing, Inc. specializing in marketing products and services using television, radio, print and Internet.


Shaping the Futureat the Milken Global Leader Conference

by Beth Simonson HandlerPhilanthropic Entrepreneur, Michael Milken hosts leaders from over 60 countries at the 10th Annual Milken Institute Global Conference, Shaping the Future, merging politics, en-tertainment, media and business. The event took place at the Beverly Hilton in Los Angeles on April 23 – 25, 2007.

Over 3000 change makers gathered to power network, inspire philanthropy, solve the oil crisis, slow global warming, improve education, cure disease, discuss emerging markets and introduce new business frontiers at the largest annual gathering in North America of the worlds leading decision makers.

In packed rooms throughout the event, over 450 dignitaries shared ideas in conversatio-nal, living room-style panel sessions with such presenters as Ted Turner, Sydney Pollack, Sally Ride, Alvin Toffler, Helene Gayle, Michael J. Fox, Andre Agassi, Senator John Kerry and Teresa Heinz Kerry, Sumner Redstone, Steve Forbes, Actor Bradley Whitford, Elena Barmakova, Anchor Maria Bartiromo, Morimar Zuckerman, Kirk Douglas, Bachi Karkaria, Steve Wynn, Phillip Alvelda, Kurt Hall and hundreds more.





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Rafael Pastor, Chairman & CEO Vistageand Susan Estrich, Fox News Political Commentator

Beth Simonson Handler, Sherry Lansing, Elizabeth Kanna

Harold Ford Jr., former Congressman,Chair Democratic Leader ship Council

Robert Townsend

Beth Simonson Handler and Quincy Jones Mortimer Zuckerman, Chairman and Editor

Jesse Johnson, Chairman, Global Communications, Inc.and Beth Simonson Handler

Jana Kaczmarek and Elizabeth Kanna

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Celebrity Scene Newsby Pete AllmanPlanet Hollywood Brings Hollywood To Las Vegas;

Bruce Willis is certainly one of the top box office draws in Hollywood. He means business when he says, „ Planet Hollywood’s grand party in Septem-ber will be the biggest thing to ever hit Las Vegas.“ Willis, who seemed to be very relaxed at the sneak preview, was with his partner Robert Earl, the C.E.O. of Planet Hollywood. When asked if he was going to be another music album, he smiled and said „Maybe?“ After a long introduction at va-rious restaurants, the media was surprised when three great sport legends where introduced. They are boxing great Sugar Ray Leonard, one of the best baseball players of our time, Roger Clemens and Tennis Career Grand Slam record holder, Pete Sampras. Shortly after the press conference we were given a tour of the hotel, which started with the „Extra“ lounge. This is where „Extra“ do all their national broadcasts when they are in Las Vegas. Other media also do their interviews there. There is no question that Hol-lywood premiers will be a big part of Planet Hollywood. Bruce Willis and Robert Earl both assured me that the premiers at Planet Hollywood would be much like those in Hollywood. While in the „Extra“ lounge I interviewed Sugar Ray Leonard about his parti-cipation with Planet Hollywood‘s and his thoughts about Oscar De La Hoya

and Floyd Mayweather Jr. „ I met Robert Earl a few years ago, We had a great time at Pla-net Hollywood over at Caesars Palace. When they considered taking over the „Aladdin“ and rebuilding it they contacted me about their sports projects, It‘s been a great business re-lationship,“ said Leonard. On the two fighters Leonard states, „Oscar is a true champion, he doesn’t have the speed that Mayweather has so he has got to definitely work on his body to break him down. On the other hand, Maywe-ather’s speed is what can cause a knock out and especially build up points, either way this fight is a great plus for boxing.“

continue on page 50

Robert Earl and Bruce Willis


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Sugar Ray Leonard, Pete Sampras, Robert Earl, Bruce Willis, Roger Clemens, Hans Klock, Carmen Electra (photo by Tom Donoghue)

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For more information you may visit

www.celebrityscene.com Until then keep your visions positive.

continued from page 48

Will Power Winner of the Vegas Grand Prix Salutes Race Course; Will Power in the No. 5 car (Team Australia) said he is a better driver after driving throughout downtown Las Vegas, in what is said to be one of the best street courses in the world.“ The street course has a lot of passing zones, That’s what makes racing exciting and that is what the fans want. In Europe the Grand Prix’s have more areas where you can go off the course and get back into the race without damaging your car. In Vegas you have got to watch out for the cement walls and the streets are not as smooth which makes for a great challenge in racing.“ Robert Doorbus in car No.14 (Team Menardi) won second place and Paul Tracy in car No. 3 (Forsythe Championship Racing) took 3rd place. Bradley Yanover of DDB Ventures, known for producing Oscar nominated movies and Dale Jensen, owner of the Arizona Diamond Backs MLB Team and partner in the NBA Phoenix Suns are the promoters of the Vegas Grand Prix and also in Phoenix Arizona. „We couldn’t be happier with this first event, it‘s only going to be getting better,“ said Yanover.

Poker at BinionsDuring the weekend of festivities we caught up with some celebrities who played poker at Binions Bullpen at Binions Gambling Hall and Hotel. Mimi Rogers who had a brief marriage to Tom Cruise certainly has proven that she is one of the busiest actresses in Hollywood. Rogers who plays Texas Hold Em started at age 7. When asked if playing poker was as hard as rea-ding a script, she stated, „ A script is second nature to me but Texas Hold Em takes a lot of skill and concentration.“ Rogers is currently working on „Storm Cell „ with Ryan Kennedy and Elyse Levesque. Other celebrities who attended the tournament is Cheech Marin , Johnny Chan ect..ect..

Bette Midler Inks 2 Years at Caesars Palace Bette Midler „Miss Divine“ is utterly dedicated to being Ms. Las Vegas al-though her show doesn’t open until February 2008. Midler plans to spend a lot of time here before then. Her recently released album, Bette Midler sings the Rosemary Clooney songbook and Bette Midler sings the Peggy Lee songbook, which were both nominated for Grammy’s are 2 classics which will go down in history. One of the key questions in talking to Midler is how to pursue a career. „Discipline is the most important thing, I don’t know, its a different generation now then when I was brought up, you definitely need energy and imagination, but more then anything you need Discipline.“ According to Midler this is the biggest show she has put toge-ther and that, „You have to be careful and cautious and don’t throw in the kitchen sink. I don’t have to pick up and move now. That’s the wonderful part of it and now I have got 2 years to try all of these great restaurants in Las Vegas.“ There will be a complete transformation of the Coliseum to accommodate Ms. Midler’s show, which is scheduled to premier February 20.

Pearl Concert Hall Is a Gem George Maloof and his associates have done it again! Maloof has created a state of the art concert hall that has great sound unlike any I have heard no matter where you sit. The concert hall, which opened recently to a sold out crowd of 2,700 with a red carpet event of the Who‘s Who in music. Gwen Stefani who opened the venue performed a knock out show with such hits as „ The sweet escape, 4 in the morning.“ At the close of her show she got a standing ovation and came back for 3 encores.

Variety the Children‘s CharityOn September the 1st, Saturday, the stars will come out to celebrate a fun raiser, for Variety the Children‘s Chari-ty, in conjunction with Peter Allman‘s birthday. The event will be held at Ruth Chris Steakhouse on paradise road in Las Vegas. Some of the celebrities in attendance include; Clint Holmes, Steve Rossi, Marty Allen, Tom Hallack, T. Fox, Eddy Mekka, just to mention a few.



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Panic at the Disco

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Paparazzi @Forty Deucesby Ladi Novotny

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The Mega Events by Polly Peluso...The Noisy Reporter

It was not surprising that “Count” Fredric Von Anhalt, the 59 year old husband of 90 year old ZSA ZSA Gabor would try to claim Anna Nicole’s (potentially $38 million inheritance) baby girl, following Anna’s untimely sad de-ath. I do remember how Von Anhalt treated ZSA ZSA’s daughter by Conrad Hilton, the founder of the Hilton Hotels. Von Anhalt is still living at the family residence .I know longer know what happened to her daughter. Friends tell me ZSA ZSA is living at the Motion Picture Home in Woodland Hills, CA. This is the last home to many members of the Screen Actors Guild.

There is a group of people here in Las Vegas that negotiates for royal titles. I went to one of their inaugura-tion events. Let me tell you it was a real hoot with them adding Count, Sir, Lady etc. to their names.

I also attended parties and event’s at Hugh Hefner’s home and would talk to both ZSA ZSA and Anna Nicole. They were both beautiful and popular.

It has been an exciting political time here in Las Vegas. My own grandson, Jeremy Thompson was here to inter-view Barack Obama, Hilary Clinton and has interviewed John Edwards, all Democratic hopefuls. Thompson was also involved with ex-Vice President Al Gore’s “Inconve-nient Truth.” Jeremy Thompson is probably the youngest political consultant in this field. He learned all about film making, interviewing, graphic arts at the most prestigious film school, Arts Center College of Design in Pasenda, CA. One of my other grandsons Brian Celi’s “Booze Hounds” is one of the most popular music groups at the “in “ places in LA.

Did you see the article about our own Penn & Teller in the Enquirer? Penn & Teller, famous magicians are now back bashing political, urban commercial myths on the-ir Showtime Famous founder of the Celebrity Speaker’s Bureau (such clients as Presidents, movie stars etc.) Bru-ce Merrin was very happy because he is 62 and just won an important tennis match here in Las Vegas.

Popular Las Vegas producer Steve Greer remembers a time when he was one of the owners of PS Chicago and Virginia Madsen worked part time for him while she was attending drama school. So Steve is very happy about how fantastic Virginia is doing now since she won an Aca-demy Award nominee. Recently she was in “Number 23” with Jim Carrey and a big role with Academy Award winner Billy Bob Thorton and Bruce Dern in “Astronaut Farmer”. Billy Bob originally came from Texas, as did I. I had 3 cousins named Billy Bob and two cousins named Tommy Lee. My own mother gave me four first names with my last being Smith. So I lost 3 of the first names too.

Britney Spears has hopefully gotten her life back on tract and maybe opening at the Palms Hotel and Casino soon. And you know what, Artie Shaw is still alive and Larry Taylor is bringing the World Famous Artie Shaw Orchestra to Shriners.

Stephen Sorrentino is back in town after about 5 years and is now an accomplished actor, music producer and a real estate mogul. The media party for Stephen at the Im-perial Palace Hotel was magnificent. Then we were all in-vited to see him as Master of Ceremonies as well as doing his impersonations and then being himself in “Legends in Concert”. It was great seeing 85year old master comedi-an Marty Allen at the party. Jackie Britt, now an executive at the Imperial Palace use to be with me when I was Di-rector of Playboy Models and she is still beautiful as ever with her fantastic figure and long flowing red hair. Two doors down from where female impersonator Frank Marino is planning to build a new home is where Michael Jackson is living. I recently saw Marino “being” Joan Rivers and interviewing Chris Angel as the presenter R the Billboard Awards at the MGM grand Hotel. I inqui-red of Marino if he has ever seen the Jackson children. He said He sees them sometimes outside playing but they are behind walls that completely surround the house. Once upon a time, a long time ago, Michael Jackson at the height of his popularity called me. At the time I was the Director of Cosmopolitan Talent and Model Agency. He asked if he came the next day to interview some of our beau-ties with talent for music videos. The entire staff stopped what they were doing so we could call as many girls as possible and as the word spread-girls were calling us. The next day we were all very nervous with anticipation. But, all for naught-he was a no show.

Center is Billy Bob

Bruce Merrin

Chris Angel, Frank Marino

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by LVH Staff

Happy 40th Birthday Alan CabassoPresident of GCI TechnologiesPresident of GCI Technologies

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Name: Kimberely Baumbach CPA

Birthday: 1996-01-14

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Introduction: My name is Kimberely Baumbach CPA, I am a gorgeous, bright, charming, encouraging, zealous, lively, good person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.