Names of Days in English for Students | Infinity Learn (2024)

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Teaching kids about the days of the week is not just a basic lesson in language; it’s a crucial part of their daily routine and understanding of time. In this blog, we’ll make learning fun as we explore how many days are there in a week, the names of the days in English, why it’s important to teach them, and provide a handy days of the week chart for kids.

    How Many Days Are There in a Week?

    There are seven days in a week. These seven days are Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. Each day has its own name and place in the weekly calendar, and together they make up a full week. Understanding and remembering the names of these days is an essential part of our daily routines and scheduling.

    Names of Days in a Week in English

    Let’s learn the names of the days of the week

    • Monday: The first day of the week is Monday. It’s a fresh start, just like the beginning of an adventure.
    • Tuesday: Tuesday comes after Monday. It’s a terrific day to explore new things and learn.
    • Wednesday: This is the middle of the week, often called “Hump Day.” It’s a day to keep going and stay strong.
    • Thursday: Thursday is a thoughtful day when we can prepare for the weekend.
    • Friday: Friday is a fun day! It’s the day when we look forward to the weekend and enjoy some relaxation.
    • Saturday: Saturday is super special because it’s the start of the weekend. Time to play and have fun.
    • Sunday: Sunday is a day for family and friends. It’s a day to rest and get ready for the new week.

    Names of Days in English for Students | Infinity Learn (2) Names of Days in English for Students | Infinity Learn (3)

    Days Name In English

    Here are the days of the week in English:

    • Monday
    • Tuesday
    • Wednesday
    • Thursday
    • Friday
    • Saturday
    • Sunday

    Why It Is Important To Teach Names of Days?

    Teaching the days of the week is important for several reasons, especially for young children who are developing essential life skills and understanding concepts related to time, routine, and organization. Here are some key reasons why it is important to teach the days of the week:

    • Establishing Routine: Learning the days of the week helps children understand and establish daily routines. They can better grasp the order of days and anticipate what activities or responsibilities are associated with each day.
    • Time Management: Knowing the days of the week helps children develop basic time management skills. They learn how to plan and prioritize activities, such as school, extracurricular activities, and chores, based on the day of the week.
    • Calendar Understanding: Learning the days of the week is an essential step in understanding how calendars work. It enables children to read and interpret calendars, mark important dates, and plan events or activities accordingly.
    • Scheduling: As children grow, they begin to participate in various activities and events. Knowing the days of the week allows them to schedule appointments, playdates, and other commitments effectively.
    • Organization: It fosters organizational skills by helping children keep track of assignments, homework, and deadlines. They can plan when to study or complete tasks, reducing last-minute rushes.
    • Concept of Time: Teaching the days of the week introduces children to the concept of time, such as yesterday, today, and tomorrow. This understanding is fundamental to their ability to discuss past, present, and future events.
    • Language Development: Learning the days of the week enhances language development. Children expand their vocabulary and improve their ability to communicate about time-related topics.
    • Cultural Awareness: It introduces children to cultural practices and traditions associated with specific days of the week. For example, recognizing Sunday as a day for religious observance or Saturday as a day for family outings.
    • Independence: Knowing the days of the week promotes independence. Children can take responsibility for their daily tasks and activities, such as getting dressed for school on the correct day.
    • Preparation for School: Proficiency in the days of the week is often expected when children start school. Teaching them beforehand helps ease the transition to a formal education setting.

    Names of the Days of the week – Origin and Meaning

    The days of the week hold fascinating origins deeply rooted in ancient history and mythology. The seven-day week has been a cultural and societal constant for centuries, with each day carrying its own unique significance and origin story.


    Sunday, deriving its name from the Old English word “Sun(nan)dæg,” pays homage to the Sun. This day was dedicated to the Sun in various ancient cultures, including Norse, Roman, and Egyptian, representing its powerful and life-sustaining presence.


    Monday’s etymology traces back to the Old English “Monandæg,” which translates to “Moon’s day.” It venerates the celestial body that governs the night sky, a significant symbol across multiple cultures for its connection to fertility and cycles.


    Tuesday, named after Tiw, the Norse god of war, finds its roots in Old English as “Tiwesdæg.” Tiw’s association with war and combat parallels the Roman god Mars, linking the day with strength and determination.


    Wednesday owes its name to Woden, the chief god in Norse mythology, also known as Odin. The Old English term “Wodnesdæg” honors this wise and enigmatic deity associated with knowledge, poetry, and magic.


    Thursday originates from the Old English “Þūnresdæg,” dedicated to Thor, the Norse god of thunder and strength. Often likened to the Roman god Jupiter due to his formidable nature, Thursday embodies power and vitality.


    Friday’s name stems from “Frīgedæg” in Old English, honoring Frigg or Freyja, Norse goddesses linked to love, fertility, and beauty. The day is associated with femininity and the joyful aspects of life.


    Saturday, the final day of the week, derives from the Old English “Sæturnesdæg,” dedicated to Saturn, the Roman god of agriculture and time. Saturn symbolizes discipline, structure, and the cyclic nature of life.

    The adoption of these names across various languages and cultures emphasizes their enduring significance. Despite the diverse origins, the days of the week universally reflect humanity’s ancient connections to celestial bodies, deities, and cultural beliefs.

    The days of the week continue to serve as a reminder of our ancient roots, showcasing the enduring influence of mythology and tradition in our everyday lives.

    Names of Days in English for Students | Infinity Learn (4) Names of Days in English for Students | Infinity Learn (5)

    What are Weekdays and Weekends?

    Weekdays and weekends are two distinct parts of the seven-day week, each with its own characteristics and purposes:

    1. Weekdays

    • Weekdays refer to the five days from Monday to Friday within the traditional workweek.
    • These days are typically associated with work, school, and daily routines.
    • People often have structured schedules during weekdays, such as going to school or work, attending appointments, and fulfilling daily responsibilities.
    • Weekdays are focused on productivity, education, and work-related activities.
    • They are characterized by routines, schedules, and busier lifestyles.

    2. Weekends

    • Weekends consist of Saturday and Sunday. These days are a break from the workweek and are often considered a time for rest, relaxation, and leisure. Weekends provide an opportunity for people to pursue hobbies, spend time with family and friends, engage in recreational activities, and recharge.
    • Many cultural and social events, such as parties, outings, and gatherings, often take place on weekends.
    • Weekends are typically more flexible and less structured than weekdays, allowing people to unwind and enjoy their free time.

    Names of Days in English for Kids

    Here’s a colorful days of the week chart for kids:

    You can put this chart on the wall or the refrigerator to help kids remember the names of the days in a fun way.


    Learning the names of the days of the week is a great way to introduce kids to the concept of time and routines. It sets the foundation for their daily schedules and helps them understand the order of days. So, let’s make learning about the days of the week an exciting adventure for our little ones.

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    Names of Days in English for Students | Infinity Learn (6) Names of Days in English for Students | Infinity Learn (7)

    FAQ’s on Names of Days in a Week

    What are the 7 names of days?

    The seven names of days are Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday.

    What are days named after?

    The names of days are derived from a mix of celestial bodies, Norse gods, and elements of Roman mythology. For instance, Thursday is named after Thor, the Norse god of thunder, while Saturday is linked to Saturn, the Roman god of agriculture and time.

    What is the name of 7 days in Hindi?

    The names of the 7 days in Hindi are Ravivar (Sunday), Somvar (Monday), Mangalvar (Tuesday), Budhvar (Wednesday), Guruvar (Thursday), Shukravar (Friday), and Shanivar (Saturday).

    Is Sunday to Sunday 7 or 8 days?

    Counting from Sunday to the next Sunday includes 7 days.

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    Names of Days in English for Students | Infinity Learn (2024)


    Names of Days in English for Students | Infinity Learn? ›

    What are the 7 names of days? The seven names of days are Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday.

    What are the 7 day week days name in English? ›

    In English, the names of the days of the week are Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. Sunday, Monday and Saturday are named after celestial bodies in the solar system. The other four days are named after Germanic gods.

    What are the 7 days name for kids? ›

    Ans. The 7 days in a week are Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. Que.

    What are the days of the week in English for students? ›

    What are the days of the week in English? There are seven days in a calendar week – Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday.

    What are the daily day names? ›

    Names of the 7 Days of the Week in English and Hindi: Meaning and Significance
    • SUNDAY – रविवार (ravivaar)
    • MONDAY – सोमवार (somavaar)
    • TUESDAY – मंगलवार (mangalavaar)
    • WEDNESDAY – बुधवार (budhavaar)
    • THURSDAY – गुरूवार/बृहस्पतिवार (guruvaar)
    • FRIDAY – शुक्रवार (shukravaar)
    • SATURDAY – शनिवार (shanivaar)
    May 4, 2024

    What are the seven days of the week named for? ›

    The ancient Babylonians named the days of the week. The 28-day lunar cycle was broken into four weeks, each consisting of seven days. The days of the week were named after the celestial bodies which the Babylonians observed: the Sun, the Moon, Mars, Venus, Mercury, Saturn, and Jupiter.

    What was Tuesday named after? ›

    The English name is derived from Middle English Tewesday, from Old English Tiwesdæg meaning "Tīw's Day", the day of Tiw or Týr, the god of single combat, law, and justice in Norse mythology. Tiw was equated with Mars in the interpretatio germanica, and the name of the day is a translation of Latin dies Martis.

    How to teach kids days of the week? ›

    How Do You Teach The Days Of The Week To Your Preschooler?
    1. Calendar. Start by introducing the concept of a calendar. ...
    2. Put days in order. It would be a good idea to have the different days of the week written on paper. ...
    3. Wall Activity. ...
    4. Sing out loud. ...
    5. Worksheets. ...
    6. Caterpillar art activity. ...
    7. Hopscotch. ...
    8. Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow.
    Dec 15, 2023

    How to remember the days of the week in English? ›

    Some things that might help in memorizing the orders are this:
    1. Monday has “on” in it, and its first syllable rhymes with “one”
    2. The first syllable of Tuesday is also a “two”.
    3. Five and Friday both start with an “F”
    4. Six and Saturday both start with an “S”
    5. Seven and Sunday both start with an “S” as well.
    May 20, 2020

    What is a name day calendar? ›

    Each first name is assigned to one day in the calendar, based on religious traditions, historical events, the birthday of a famous person who had the same first name, or on other facts. For example, the church feast of Saint Michael is held on September 29th, and as a result, the name for Michael is on September 29th.

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    Roman gods become Nordic weekday names

    Mars became Tyr (Tuesday), Mercury became Odin (Wednesday), Jupiter became Thor (Thursday) and Venus became Frigg (Friday). Saturday came outside the system: The Norse form 'Saturday' means 'hot water day' - which can be translated as 'washing day' or 'washing water day'.

    What are the names of the times of the day? ›

    • Parts of the Day.
    • Morning 5 am to 12 pm (noon)
    • Afternoon 12 pm to 5 pm.
    • Evening 5 pm to 9 pm.
    • Night 9 pm to 4 am.

    Why is Friday called Friday? ›

    The first records of the word Friday come from before 1000. It comes from the Old English Frīgedæg, meaning “Freya's day.” In Latin, the name for the day we call Friday is dies Veneris, meaning “Venus's day,” referring to the Roman goddess of love.

    What were the days of the week called in Bible times? ›

    The Hebrew names of the days of the week are numerical: Sunday - Yom rishon- "first day", Monday -Yom shani- "second day", Tuesday -Yom shlishi- "third day", Wednesday -Yom reveci- "fourth day", Thursday -Yom khamshi- "fifth day", Friday -Yom shishi- "sixth day" and cErev shabbat -"eve of Sabbath", Saturday -Yom ha- ...

    What is the name of the 7 days of the week Sunday Monday? ›

    All Week Names

    English: Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday. Hindi: Ravivar, Somvar, Mangalvar, Budhvar, Guruvar, Shukravar, Shanivar. French: Dimanche, Lundi, Mardi, Mercredi, Jeudi, Vendredi, Samedi.

    What is Wednesday named after? ›

    The name is a calque of the Latin dies Mercurii 'day of Mercury', reflecting the fact that the Germanic god Woden (Wodanaz or Odin) during the Roman era was interpreted as "Germanic Mercury".


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