N-linked oligosaccharides can protect target cells from the lysis mediated by NK cells but not by cytotoxic T lymphocytes: role of NKG2-A (2024)

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Publicação - Artigo

N-linked oligosaccharides can protect target cells from the lysis mediated by NK cells but not by cytotoxic T lymphocytes: role of NKG2-A

1999; Wiley; Volume: 54; Issue: 2 Linguagem: Inglês





M.‐A. Sol, Nathalie Vacaresse, Jacqueline Lulé, Christian Davrinche, Bruno Gabriel, Justin Teissié, Andreas Ziegler, Mogens Thomsen, Hervé Benoist


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We have previously shown that glycophorin A (GPA), inserted by electropulsation into the membrane of K562 cells, protected them from natural killer (NK) cell‐mediated cytotoxicity and the unique N‐linked oligosaccharide of GPA was essential for resistance to occur. The present study demonstrates that the protection level conferred by GPA is similar to the resistance induced by HLA‐Cw3 expressed by transfected K562 cells. A monoclonal antibody against NKG2‐A, an NK inhibitory receptor interacting with HLA class I antigens and belonging to the C‐type lectin receptor, was able to restore the ability of NK cells to lyse K562 cells expressing HLA‐Cw3 at the cell membrane but not electroinserted‐GPA, suggesting that the N‐linked oligosaccharide of GPA cannot be a ligand for NKG2‐A. GPA was then electroinserted into the membrane of two lymphoblastoid B‐cell lines: one was sensitive to NK cell‐mediated lysis, the other was susceptible to cytotoxic CD8 + T‐lymphocyte (CTL)‐mediated cytotoxicity. The electroinserted GPA protected the target cells from NK‐mediated cytotoxicity, whereas it did not modify the cell susceptibility to lysis by CTL. Endoglycosidase F treatment abolished the resistance towards NK cell‐mediated lysis, suggesting that N‐linked glycans could inhibit mechanisms used by NK cells to exert their cytotoxic function in agreement with our previous results.






Publicação - Artigo

N-linked oligosaccharides can protect target cells from the lysis mediated by NK cells but not by cytotoxic T lymphocytes: role of NKG2-A

1999; Wiley; Volume: 54; Issue: 2 Linguagem: Inglês

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N-linked oligosaccharides can protect target cells from the lysis mediated by NK cells but not by cytotoxic T lymphocytes: role of NKG2-A (2024)


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Name: Domingo Moore

Birthday: 1997-05-20

Address: 6485 Kohler Route, Antonioton, VT 77375-0299

Phone: +3213869077934

Job: Sales Analyst

Hobby: Kayaking, Roller skating, Cabaret, Rugby, Homebrewing, Creative writing, amateur radio

Introduction: My name is Domingo Moore, I am a attractive, gorgeous, funny, jolly, spotless, nice, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.