Global Table Carrot Salad Recipe (2024)

Good Eats: Mongolian Carrot Salad Recipe

October 22nd, 2013 • BY Erinn Morgan

Global Table Carrot Salad Recipe (1)

Sasha Martin is cooking the world, literally, from A-Z. Through her website, Global Table Adventure, Martin is cooking 195 meals from 195 countries in 195 weeks. Beyond sampling—and sharing—delish dishes from around the globe, Martin’s goal is to promote peace by asking us to all sit down at a “Global Table” and learn about one another.

Says Martin, “We create peace when we learn about each other, when we understand one another. We can’t create peace alone. We must set a Global Table and invite everyone to sit down together as one family.” Martin’s own family was also a driving force to launch her ethnic cuisine adventure—she longed to jump-start her own cooking, cure her husband’s “Picky Eater Syndrome,” and raise her then 7-month-old daughter with tastes if the world.

The Global Table taste bud adventure is currently in its 192nd week (with four weeks remaining). This week: the sights and tastes of Vietnam. Each week, Martin delivers information on the country’s cuisine, plus menus, recipes, and techniques for cooking that country’s dishes.

To celebrate her culinary sojourns, quest for peace, and truly set a Global Table, an event featuring dishes from all 195 countries set up on a 200-foot stretch of tables was held near Martin’s home in Tulsa earlier this month at the Philbrook Museum of Art. Her adventure (and recipes) will also be published in a book next year by National Geographic.

Here, Martin shares one of her favorite Global Table recipes for a simple yet delectable carrot salad recipe from Mongolia. Want to learn more? Read our interview with the global chef below.

Mongolian Carrot Salad Recipe


1 lb carrots, grated or julienned (on a mandolin is easiest)
1/2 cup raisins, soaked in hot water

For the dressing:

1 largeclove of garlic, grated
3 tablespoons vegetable oil
2 tablespoons white wine vinegar
1 1/2 teaspoons of sugar
salt & pepper, to taste (be sure to use plenty of salt to bring out the flavors)


After picking up some carrots and raisins at the local market, take a boat ride to a beautiful castle.

Set up your kitchen in the highest tower.

One should alwaysmake carrot salad in castles.

To get started, soak the raisins in very hot water until plumped up (about thirty minutes).

Meanwhile, wash and peel a pound of carrots. Listen to some music while you work (perhaps some throat singing with wild Gobi Desert dancing?).

For the rest of the method for this royal carrot salad, please go to Global Table here.

WM: What was the inspiration for Global Table Adventure?

Sasha Martin: After having seen a lot of the world (I saw 12 countries before I was 18) and attending CIA for one year, I moved to Tulsa for an internship in a food science R&D lab and I met a man and fell in love and had a family. But, I suddenly found myself missing travel and the variety of foods I had around the world. When I was living in Europe you could just hop over the border of any country and experience a different culture. But now I couldn’t just grab that backpack and go. Launching Global Table Adventure was a way to temper all that wanderlust.

WM: How did you feel about starting off on this journey? And, how has your feeling about it changed over the course of the journey?

Martin: In the beginning I was sprinting out of the gate and not considering this was almost a 4-year project. My daughter Ava was still napping several times a day back then and I was cooking like seven dishes from Ethiopia in a day. Then, I realized I needed to slow down and do really family friendly recipes.

WM: What is it about food that is so revealing about a place or a culture?

Martin: For me its as much ritualistic as it is about what spices we’re using, whether you eat on the floor in a circle with a communal platter, or maybe doing a tea ceremony where you boil the tea five times and add sugar. It seems like everywhere in the world there’s ways people bond over food. In the end, we’re all just trying to feed our families.

WM: How has your daughter Ava embraced (or not embraced) the journey?

Martin: She was really easy as a baby—so trusting and so open minded and she would eat the things you would just balk at, like strong fishy flavors. But, as she grew older she had definite preferences as a toddler, but whenever she helped make the food she always wanted to eat it. She really had a lot of fun with Laos. They have a soup that’s a lot like pho from Vietnam but its spelled foe. It’s raw beef in a bowl with rice noodles and you pour on boiling hot broth at the table, plus add cilantro, tomatoes, and fish sauce.

WM: What’s one of your favorite countries/meals?

Martin: Well, they are all my children, but I did love this dish from Togo with grilled chicken marinated legs in ginger and garlic served with a tomato-based polenta. I thought, ‘Wow, this country is new to me and it’s such an easy, delicious meal.”

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Global Table Carrot Salad Recipe (2)

About Erinn Morgan

After a 10-year career as an award-winning New York City-based editor launching and redesigning urban, style-driven magazines, Erinn Morgan left her downtown Manhattan digs after September 11th, 2001, in search of a less encumbered, freelance lifestyle. A life-changing, two-year-long trek around the country in a motorhome eventually landed her in Durango, Colo., which she now calls home. Her writing has appeared in numerous— More about this author →

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Global Table Carrot Salad Recipe (2024)


Is a raw carrot salad good for you? ›

Raw carrots, being fibrous, naturally promotes bowel regularity which positively affects digestion and elimination as well! Optimal liver and thyroid function Since the raw carrot salad assists in eliminating excess estrogens and endotoxins, this also reduces the heavy load the liver carries.

What is carrot salad made of? ›

Mix shredded carrots and raisins together in a large serving bowl. Whisk mayonnaise, lemon juice, and salt in a small bowl until smooth.

What are the benefits of carrot and vinegar salad? ›

The raw carrot salad recipe includes (obviously) one or two raw carrots that are grated using a food processor or hand peeler, apple cider vinegar, coconut oil, and salt and pepper. Reported benefits of eating this salad include hormonal balance, reduced acne breakouts, and better digestion.

Who sells carrot raisin salad? ›

Publix Deli Carrot & Raisin Salad | Publix Super Markets.

Do raw carrots burn belly fat? ›

Carrots are bright orange because of an antioxidant called beta-carotene, which the body readily converts to vitamin A. Research suggests that vitamin A can aid weight loss. It assists in reducing belly fat, particularly visceral fat.

Can you eat too many raw carrots? ›

Eating carrots in excess, however, can cause a condition called carotenemia. This refers to yellowish discoloration of the skin because of the deposition of a substance called beta-carotene that is present in carrots. This change in skin color is more obvious in people with lighter skin tones.

What is carrots and celery called? ›

French Mirepoix

The French flavor base called mirepoix is a combination of onion, carrot and celery generally cut to the same size.

Do you have to peel carrots for salad? ›

Because a carrot's skin isn't as thick as other root vegetables (like potatoes) or winter squashes, carrots are perfectly safe and delicious to eat without peeling so long as they are properly cleaned.

What happens if we eat cucumber and carrot daily? ›

Carrots and cucumber (peeled) are rich in dietary fibre, which slows digestion and helps regulate blood sugar levels. They also contain antioxidants and other bioactive compounds that improve glucose metabolism, leading to a hypoglycemic response.

What does celery and carrots do to your body? ›

Carrots: They are an excellent source of beta-carotene, which the body converts into vitamin A. Carrots also contain fiber, vitamin K, potassium, and antioxidants. Antioxidant Properties:Celery: Contains antioxidants like flavonoids, beta-carotene, and vitamin C, which can help neutralize free radicals in the body.

How often should you eat raw carrot salad? ›

In order to reap the purported benefits of the raw carrot salad, it's important to consume consistently, i.e. daily. It is also said it works best on an empty stomach to help with gastrointestinal absorption.

What is the most nutritious carrot variety? ›

Even when it comes to alpha and beta-carotene, which appears in both orange and purple carrots, the purple ones come out on top: purple carrots have twice the amount of nutrients as their orange counterparts, providing more support for vision health and the immune system.

Where does Kim K get her salad? ›

And if you're anything like us, you've been left wondering "what on earth do they put in that salad?" The Kardashian sisters have confirmed on many occasions that their go-to salad spot is Californian healthy pit stop, Health Nut.

What is the sweetest carrot variety? ›

Select carrot varieties known for their sweet flavor. Dantes, Little finger, Short 'n Sweet, Sweetness, and Tendersweet are just a few to consider. Be sure to plant carrots early in the season for an early summer harvest, midseason for a fall harvest or fall for a winter harvest in milder climates.

When should I eat a raw carrot salad? ›

Raw Carrot Salad For Hormones

By supporting the thyroid and liver while removing excess endotoxins and estrogen, consuming raw carrot salad daily can help with reducing problems like PMS, period pain, headaches, fatigue, acne, and breast tenderness.

Is it okay to eat raw carrots everyday? ›

You can have carrots daily and as part of a healthy, balanced diet. You are unlikely to get carotenemia (turning your skin an orange-yellow color) unless you eat too many carrots and other carotene-rich foods too often. Is chewing on carrots good for you? Yes.

What does eating raw carrots do for your body? ›

Carrots are full of benefits—they may promote healthy vision, balance your blood sugar, help with weight management, lower your risk of cancer, regulate blood pressure, reduce heart disease, improve immunity, and boost brain health. You won't regret incorporating more of this vegetable into your diet.


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Name: Nicola Considine CPA

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