Day Names in English and How to Pronounce them - Sinaumedia (2024)

Name Days in English – Sinaumed’s must have received English education when he was still at
school, be it elementary or high school.
If Sinaumed’s studies these subjects
seriously, English proficiency will slowly increase.

Table of Contents

Especially in elementary school (SD), where we are taught the use of simple English. Some of
the topics taught to elementary school children in this subject include subjects and objects,
tenses , simple vocabulary, and learning to listen and speak .

Day Names in English

Over time, your understanding and experience of the English language will increase. Currently,
we have mastered many of these lessons.
However, of course this situation is different when we
learn English in elementary school.

Day Names in English and How to Pronounce them - Sinaumedia (1)

Among a number of topics taught in elementary school, one of them is learning vocabulary in the form of
English day names.
Below, are the names of the days in Indonesian, as well as their translation
in English:

  • Monday = Monday
  • Tuesday = Tuesday
  • Wednesday = Wednesday
  • Thursday = Thursday
  • Friday = Friday
  • Saturday = Saturday
  • Sunday = Sunday

By now Sinaumed’s should be able to memorize all the English day names by rote. However,
how long did it take to finally be able to memorize the names of those days while still in elementary

The process of learning, memorizing, and remembering all the English day names can take a variety of times
for each child.
This can be caused by a number of factors, ranging from the child’s absorption,
teaching methods, to the environment in which children learn English.

Some of you may have been educated in a good and comfortable environment, so that you can absorb and
memorize the names of the days in English quickly.
However, there are also those who may
receive less than optimal English teaching, making it difficult to remember and absorb the content of this

Regardless of how long it takes to learn the names of the days in English, the most important thing right now is
that we should really be able to understand this topic well, and no longer experience difficulties related to
this discussion.

How to Pronounce Day Names in English

Even so, in practice there are still a number of errors related to the names of the days in English.
In addition to errors in spelling the names of the days, there are also mistakes that can be made
in pronouncing the word

Pronunciation of words in English does sound trivial, and even considered trivial. Moreover,
as Indonesians, we are quite rarely faced with situations where we have to speak English in our daily

However, it is quite important for us to learn how to pronounce words in English properly and correctly.
This is because there are quite a number of words in English that have similar pronunciations, so
that if we say it wrong, other people can misinterpret what we say.

In the case of using the name of the day in English, for example, the word ” Tuesday “, has a pronunciation
similar to the word ”
Thursday “. If Sinaumed’s just utters
these two words, it will potentially cause confusion to the other person.

Therefore, it is advisable to know how to pronounce the names of the days in English as best you can.
Below, there is an explanation regarding the pronunciation of the names of the days:

Pronunciation of “Monday”

Day Names in English and How to Pronounce them - Sinaumedia (2)

Monday (Can be shortened to “Mon”), pronounced /’mun.dei/. The letter “O” in the
word changes to “U”.
The word “Monday” is pronounced similar in both the American (US)
accent and the British (UK) accent.

Pronunciation of “Tuesday”

Tuesday (Can be shortened to “Tue” or “Tues”), pronounced /’tiu:z.dei/ in a UK accent, and
/ˈtuːz.dei/ in a US accent. The spelling of “ue” is replaced by
“iu” in a UK accent, and “u” if you have a US accent.
The “T” changes slightly to “
tch ” in both accents.

Pronunciation of “Wednesday”

Wednesday (Can be shortened to “Wed”): Pronounced /’wenz.dei/ . The
spelling of “dnes” is pronounced “enz”.
This pronunciation applies to both UK accents and
US accents.

See also Positive Impacts of International Trade and Driving Factors

Pronunciation “Thursday”

Thursday (Can be shortened to “Thur” or “Thurs”), pronounced /’thurz.dei/ .
The letter “S” changes to the letter “Z”. This pronunciation is used in both UK
and US accents.

Pronunciation of “Friday”

Friday (Can be shortened to “Fri”), pronounced /’frai.dei/ . The letter
“I” is pronounced as “ai”.
The word “Friday” is pronounced similarly in a UK accent as well
as in a US accent.

Pronunciation of “Saturday”

Saturday (Can be shortened to “Sat”), pronounced /’sa.ta.dei/ . The “R”
in this word is omitted.
Both the UK accent and the US accent sound similar.

Pronunciation of “Sunday”

Sunday (Can be shortened to “Sun”), pronounced /’sun.dei/ . The
pronunciation of this word is almost similar to the writing.
Both the UK accent and the US
accent sound similar to one another.

Many English speakers say that the most tricky pronunciations to mention are the words ”
Tuesday ” and ” Thursday “. For the rest, the pronunciation of
other days is not that difficult.
Sinaumed’s can pronounce the 2 most
difficult words, then of course he will be able to pronounce the names of other days easily.

The key to proficiency in English, particularly in speaking, is mastery of important vocabulary and
The book ”
English For Everyday Speaking,
English for Everyday Conversation, Covering 50 Interesting Topics

” can help
Sinaumed’s to learn and gain confidence to
speak English.

The Origin of Name Days in English

Sinaumed’s may have heard that the names of the days in Indonesian are taken from Arabic. Except
for Friday, which has a special name, the names of the days in Indonesian are inspired by the numbers in

  • Sunday or Sunday: Wahidun or One
  • Monday: Itsnani or Two
  • Tuesday: Salasatun or Three
  • Wednesday: Arba’atun or Empat
  • Thursday: Khamsatun or Lima
  • Friday: Congregation or Gathering
  • Saturday: Sab’atun or Seven

The naming of the names of these days is due to the history of Indonesia, which was once a stopover for
Arab traders, thus absorbing a lot of culture and traditions from there.
In addition to the
names of the days, Indonesians in the past also used Arabic names and adopted a religion from there, namely

If we use the same logic, English day names should come from Germanic, especially West Germanic, which is the
root of modern English.

However, in fact, the names of the days in English are inspired by the names of Gods and Goddesses from
ancient Greek mythology and ancient Roman mythology.
Not only English, other languages ​​in a
number of countries on the European continent also take inspiration from these mythologies.

More precisely, they use the names of Gods and Goddesses who are also inspired to become planets, stars and
satellites in the solar system.
Here is an explanation of the origin of the day’s name in

Sunday (Sunday)

The naming of ” Sunday ” or “Sunday” was inspired by the sun, namely Solis. Dies Solis
can be interpreted roughly as “day of the sun” in Latin and also
“Sunnon-dagaz” in Old Germanic, which, when shortened, becomes


Day Names in English and How to Pronounce them - Sinaumedia (3)

Similar to ” Sunday “, ” Monday ” or “Monday” inspired by the moon aka Lunae.
Dies Lunae, which is Latin with a rough meaning of “Moon day”, was translated into Old English
“Mon(an)dæg” , and becomes “ Monday ” in modern

Tuesday (Tuesday)

” Tuesday ” or “Tuesday” is named after the Roman god of war, Mars, so that in Latin it is known as
“dies Martis”.
However, the god of war in Germanic is known as “Tiu”.
Tuesday ”, instead of using the name of a Roman mythological god, is named after this
German god, which was first known as
“Tiwsday” , until it became “
Tuesday ” in modern English.


Like “ Tuesday ”, “ Wednesday ” or “Wednesday” comes from the Germanic equivalent of the
Roman god “Mercury”, namely “Woden”.
Wednesday ”, which came from the
Latin “dies Mercurii” turned into
“Woden’s day” in old Germanic, finally “
Wednesday ” in modern English.


Jupiter or Jove in Roman mythology, and Thor in Norse mythology, inspired ” Thursday ” or “Thursday”.
Both have in common, namely having full power over the sky and lightning.
Initially, ”
Thursday ” came from the Latin “dies Jovis” or “Jupiter’s
day”, which then changed to
“Thor’s day” in old English, and became ”
Thursday “.


” Thursday ” and ” Friday ” or “Friday” have in common, namely taking inspiration from 2
Goddesses from different mythologies, namely Venus from Greek mythology, and Frigg from Norse mythology,
who is known as the Goddess of Love.
Starting from “dies Veneris” or “day of Venus” in
Latin, it eventually changed to
in Germanic, which was later adapted into modern English, “ Friday ”.

See also difference between constructor and destructor


“Saturday” or “Saturday” comes from the Roman mythological god Saturn. While in Greek
mythology, Saturn has a name as Cronus.
The Latin for “day of Saturn” namely “dies Saturni”
became the inspiration for “Saturday” in modern English.

How to Learn English

Based on a number of explanations regarding the names of the days in English, of course, Sinaumed’s
already has knowledge of the related topic.
However, maybe there are still
Sinaumed’s who don’t have confidence in speaking English, so they don’t have the courage to
apply this information in everyday life.

There is a saying “it’s never too late to learn” . For Sinaumed’s who
have never studied or have difficulty understanding English lessons at school, there’s no need to worry that
you won’t be able to speak English.

In fact, now there are many ways to learn English that can be done outside of school. Sinaumed’s only needs to
adapt these methods to the time, tools, and capabilities of each.

Of the many ways to learn English, of course it will take time if we cover all of them in one article.
Therefore, we will only discuss the most effective ways to learn English. Check out
the following discussion:

Read Anything in English

Whether it’s in the form of a novel, article, or news, Sinaumed’s can try to find reading material in
English, and try to read and understand the context of the reading.
This will also force us
to study and find out more about English vocabulary.

Hear or Watch Anything in English

Similar to reading, hearing or watching something in English, being able to train Sinaumed’s to be able to
understand someone’s words and utterances in English.
Sinaumed’s is also required to think quickly
about the meaning of someone’s words.

Studying the English Dictionary

This method can be said to be quite simple and old fashioned . Even so, this method is
also fairly effective for learning more vocabulary and its meaning.
Sinaumed’s can use
a physical dictionary or use an electronic dictionary either from the internet or an application.

Speak English with Others

Sinaumed’s can practice speaking and listening skills at the same time by trying to speak to other people in
If possible, you can also look for someone who has English as the other person’s main
language, so that you can speed up your understanding of English.

Copying English from Others

The “observe, imitate and modify” method also applies to learning English. Sinaumed’s can try to learn
someone’s speaking or writing style when using English, and apply and change their style according to their
individual style and wishes.

Living Abroad or Visiting Abroad

This method may only be done by a handful of people, and can’t be done frequently. However,
this way of learning is one of the most effective ways, because like it or not,
Sinaumed’s has to
adapt to the language of that country, in this case, English.

In addition to the methods above, conventional methods such as reading English textbooks and doing
English exercises are still quite effective.
The book ”
Master English: Practical and Short
” is one of the books that can help
Sinaumed’s master English.


The names of the days in English that we learned in elementary school have a more important role than we
imagine, and cannot be underestimated.
Therefore, it is important for Sinaumed’s to
try to apply this information in the real world.

Of course, this also applies to other subjects in various subjects, be it in elementary, junior high, or
high school.
We never know when the knowledge we learn at that time will be useful in the
future, either through direct or indirect application.

We hope that this article can help Sinaumed’s understand topics related to day names in English, both in
terms of writing, pronunciation, and the origins of these names.
Do not forget to apply and
find the courage to speak English in everyday life.

Sinaumed’s can find various types of books on the site to broaden
knowledge in various fields of interest.
We, sinaumedia, #Friends Without Limits, always try
to present the best books for the advancement of
all Sinaumed’s’ minds.

Day Names in English and How to Pronounce them - Sinaumedia (2024)


What are the 7 days' names? ›

In English, the names of the days of the week are Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.

What are the names of the days of the week in the Bible? ›

The only day named in the Bible is the Sabbath. All other days of the week are named in relation to the Sabbath. God blessed the Sabbath day and set it aside as a holy day for His people.

What God's are the days of the week named after? ›

In the Nordic countries, the Sun (Sunday) and the Moon (Monday) also became the first two days of the week, and the Roman gods became four of the Nordic gods with similarities: Mars became Tyr (Tuesday), Mercury became Odin (Wednesday), Jupiter became Thor (Thursday) and Venus became Frigg (Friday).

What is the correct pronunciation of words called? ›

General-purpose dictionaries typically only include standard pronunciations, but regional or dialectal pronunciations may be found in more specific works. Orthoepy means pronunciation considered correct, or the study thereof.

What is the answer in one word? ›

answer, response, reply, rejoinder, retort mean something spoken, written, or done in return. answer implies the satisfying of a question, demand, call, or need.

How do you say all the days of the week? ›

Note: The abbreviation of days is based on their first syllable. For example, Sunday is Sun, Monday is Mon, Tuesday is Tues, Wednesday is Wed, Thursday is Thurs, Friday is Fri, and Saturday is Sat.

How they named the days of the week? ›

The ancient Babylonians named the days of the week. The 28-day lunar cycle was broken into four weeks, each consisting of seven days. The days of the week were named after the celestial bodies which the Babylonians observed: the Sun, the Moon, Mars, Venus, Mercury, Saturn, and Jupiter.

What do you call Monday to Sunday? ›

Weekdays: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday. Weekend: Saturday, Sunday.

Why is D silent on Wednesday? ›

The answer is that the day was named for Woden (also spelt Wodin), another name for Odin Allfather, the chief Norse god. Through the process of elision, the name 'Woden's day' became, over time, 'Wednesday'. Why is the letter "C" in the word "indictment" silent?

How did the 7 days get their names? ›

The days were named after the classical planets of Hellenistic astrology, in the order: Sun (Helios), Moon (Selene), Mars (Ares), Mercury (Hermes), Jupiter (Zeus), Venus (Aphrodite), and Saturn (Cronus). The seven-day week spread throughout the Roman Empire in late antiquity.

Why is Sunday called Sunday? ›

The name for Sunday stems from the Middle English word sunnenday, which itself comes from the Old English word sunnandæg. The English derivations stem from the Latin diēs sōlis (“sun's day”). To know why this particular day is devoted to the sun, you have to look to Babylonian times.

What are the original names of the days? ›

The original order of the days, between the 1st and 3rd centuries, was Sun, Moon, Ares, Hermes, Zeus, Aphrodite, and Cronos. These were named after the heavenly bodies that presided over the first daylight hour of each day, according to Hellenistic astrology.


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Name: Carmelo Roob

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Introduction: My name is Carmelo Roob, I am a modern, handsome, delightful, comfortable, attractive, vast, good person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.