1923 College Football National Championship (2024)

1923 College Football National Championship (1)
Home1923 College Football National Championship (2)Pictured above is 1923's consensus national champion, 8-0Illinois, lining up against 7-1 Chicago in the first game played atIllinois' Memorial Stadium. Despite a steady rain, 60,000fans showed up to watch Illinois win their biggest game of the year7-0, the legendary Red Grange scoring the touchdown.Hereis how the "major selectors" listed in the NCAARecords Book, all selecting long after the fact, see the 1923 collegefootball nationalchampionship (omittingmath/computerratings, which neither I noranyone else recognize as constituting titles):

8-0 Illinois:
Helms,Parke Davis, CFB Researchers, National Championship Foundation (tie)
8-0 Michigan:National Championship Foundation (tie)

As you can see, Michigan shared the Big 10 title with Illinois,and the school claims a share of the mythical national championship(MNC) for this season as well. But that's not all:8-0 Cornell also claims an MNC for 1923, even though no one listed inthe NCAA Records Book selected them-- I guess they selected themselves.Yale makes a 4th major football school that went 8-0 in 1923, butthough the school does not claim an MNC for it, they are our 4thcontender here.

A number of other schools posted perfectrecords, but all played weak (and usually regionally confined)schedules, and therefore none of them were close to meriting MNCcontention. Those teams included 8-0 Marquette, 9-0 Colorado, 9-0Southern Methodist, 7-0 Pacific, 8-0 Davis & Elkins, and 9-0 NewMexico State.

California went unbeaten for a 4th straightseason, but a shocking 0-0 tie with 2-3-3 Nevada left them 9-0-1 andout of MNC contention for the first time since 1919. Notre Dame's "FourHorsem*n" backfield crushed every opponent except 4-2-2 Nebraska, whoupset them 14-7 in Lincoln, leaving them 9-1 and out of the race,though they might well have been the best team of 1923. The "FourHorsem*n" would not actually be named as such until the next season,when they posted a perfect record, capped by a Rose Bowl victory, andclaimed a virtually unanimous MNC. But I'll get to that in my 1924article.

All rankings in the following article, except as noted, come from my 1923 top 25, which is based on a hypothetical post-bowl AP poll (within logical reason of course).

AHypothetical AP Poll for 1923

Collegefootballhistorian Bob Kirlin thinks 8-0 Illinoiswould have been voted #1 in a final regular season AP poll, butunfortunately he does not provide any reasoning for that opinion, justthe list of schools year-by-year, so I do not know what he based it on.My reading of 1923 college football articles does not support thatconclusion, but then it doesn't support any team as a clear consensusnational choice for best of 1923. Frankly, I think it's impossible tomake a reasonable guess on what an AP poll would have come up with for#1 in 1923.

All 4 of our major 8-0 teams were big-name schools with a historyof success. Illinois did have 2 consensus All Americans, which showsnational esteem for the team, but Yale also had 2, and Yale had a totalof 7 players make AA lists, while Illinois had just 3. Most of theselectors were Easterners, but not all were, and anyway, Michigan had 5players make various AA lists.

Cornell had just 2, but Cornell also had a huge advantage over the others going into 1923:they were 8-0 in 1921 and 8-0 in 1922 as well, and would have been veryhighly ranked to start this season. They then destroyed theiropponents, including 34-7 over 6-2-1 Colgate and 32-7 at 8-1 Dartmouth,who would have finished in the top 10. It is hard to see exactly whenany of the other contenders would have passed them up in an AP poll,but they did struggle to a 14-7 win at 5-4 Penn in their finale, soperhaps they would have been passed up then, right at the finish line.

Yale had the more hallowed name, and they certainly got moreattention from Eastern writers this season. This was their firstperfect finish since 1909, the last yearof a 2-decade stretch during which Yale had ruled college football.Eastern writers, at least, felt a huge sentimental draw to this team,as 1923 was their long-awaited return to the "top."

But Michigan would have had sentiment going for them too. If therehad been an AP poll 1901-1923, Michiganwould not have finished #1 in any of the seasons before this one. Butby the time the 1920s rolled around, Michigan coach Fielding Yost wasone of the best known and most respected coaches in college football,and it was in the 1920s that his "Point a Minute" teams (1901, 1902, 1903, 1904, and 1905)started to gain true national respect, albeit in hindsight. Yost was afrequent author of football books and articles, and a popular speakerin the off-season, and this was supposed to be his final year coachingat Michigan. There would have been enormous national sentiment that1923 was Michigan and Fielding Yost's "turn" to be ranked #1. Michiganalso finished 6-0-1 in 1922, and therefore would have started 1923 with the advantage of a high rating.

And then there is Illinois, who had gone 2-5 in 1922 andwould have been lowly ranked to start 1923, and probably not ranked atall. Why does Bob Kirlin think Illinois would have been voted #1 in anAP poll in 1923? I can only guess that it's because of their star halfback,Harold "Red" Grange, who in the 1920s reached a level of celebritynever matched by a college football player, before or since. But theproblem is that Grange, while a consensus All American in 1923, was notat all the nationally revered superstar he would go on to become--Grange mania would not start until the next season:October 18, 1924 to be exact. But more on that later. The point is, in1923 "Grange" was not a big enough name to push Illinois to #1 in an APpoll all by itself.

On the other hand, writers who actually sawIllinois play appear to have been convinced that they were the bestteam of 1923, and many of those writers also saw at least Michiganplay. Unfortunately, they would have constituted a minority of votersin a national poll, so I don't know that they could have pushedIllinois to #1. But Illinois certainly outperformed Michigan against asimilar schedule. In fact, Michigan needed some fluke plays to beat acouple of their opponents, and that would have hurt their cause.

Conclusion?As I said at the outset, it is impossible to reasonably guess which ofthese 4 teams would have been voted #1 in an AP poll. It would havebeen a true horse race, and a very close vote. My guess would be Yale,just because they were so beloved in the East, and outside the Easttheywere still well remembered as college football's greatestgiant in the first decade of the 20th century. But enough of whatwriters at the time thought-- time to look at the 4 teams and see whoactually deserved the 1923 MNC. We'll start with Illinois, theconsensus choice among retroactive MNC selectors.

Illinois 1923

1923 College Football National Championship (3)
Nebraska (4-2-2)24-7#19
Butler (7-2)21-7
at Iowa (5-3)9-6(#26-33)
at Northwestern (2-6)29-0
Chicago (7-1)7-0#6
Wisconsin (3-3-1)10-0#23
Mississippi State (5-2-2)27-0
at Ohio State (3-4-1)9-0

Illinois had previously won national championships in 1914 and 1919,and it looks like they stuck to about a 4 year cycle, because they arethe consensus choice for 1923 and will be again for 1927. The headcoach for all of these MNC titles was Hall of Famer Robert Zuppke, whomI covered in most detail in the 1914 article. Illinois had postedlosing records for 2 years prior to this season, 3-4 in 1921 and 2-5 in1922, but the future looked bright, because their 1922 freshman teamsimply had to be the best freshman team in the country. They scrimmagedagainst the varsity team twice a week, and handily won most of thescrimmages. Zuppke started spending more time with the freshmen thanwith the varsity, preferring the rosy 8-0 future to the dreary 2-5present.

Unfortunately for Zuppke, most of the best players fromthe 1922 freshman team transferred elsewhere. Quarterback Ralph "Moon"Baker went to Northwestern and tackle Frank Wickhorst went to Navy, andboth became consensus All Americans. Halfback Paul Cook became astarter at Michigan. On the bright side, the best of the lot, thenow-legendary halfback Red Grange, remained at Illinois, and that rosy8-0 future was thus secured.

Red Grange

1923 College Football National Championship (4)

Harold"Red" Grange was just 5' 11" and 166 pounds, but he had scored 75touchdowns and 532 points at Wheaton High School in Illinois, and hecould reportedly run the 100 yard dash in 9.8 seconds, so there wasgreat anticipation among Illinois fans for his sophom*ore debut with theIllini. He did not disappoint, scoring 3 touchdowns against Nebraska inhis first game and totaling 723 rushing yards and 12 touchdowns for the1923 season, including at least one touchdown in every game he played.He also added 178 yards receiving, 212 returning punts, and 140returning interceptions.

But he did not become a legend until the 1924 game with Michigan (pictured above),who at that point had not lost in 3 years. On that day, October 18,1924, Grange returned the opening kickoff 95 yards for a touchdown,then scored 3 more times on runs of 67, 56, and 44 yards, all in thefirst 12 minutes of the game, after which he took a seat on the bench.He returned briefly in the 3rd quarter, long enough to add an 11 yardtouchdown run and a 20 yard touchdown pass, and then his day was done.In less than one half of a game, he accounted for 6 touchdowns, rushedfor 212 yards, passed for 64, and returned a couple of kicks for 126.

That one game made him the biggest celebrity college football hasever known, and thereafter he was nationally known as "The GallopingGhost." For his 3 year, 20 game career, he totaled 2071 rushing yards,253 receiving, 575 passing, 939 in punt and kickoff returns, 247 ininterception returns, and he scored 31 touchdowns.He was a consensus All American all 3 years, then signed a lucrativecontract with the Chicago Bears the day after his last game atIllinois. He is often credited with getting the NFL off the groundfinancially, as well as "legitimizing" the league in terms ofpublicity. He also went out to Hollywood and starred in a couple ofmovies about himself, as well as a 12-part serial. He is in both thecollege and pro football halls of fame, and he makes the short list forpractically any discussion of the greatest college football player ofall time.

The Greatest Player of All Time?

1923 College Football National Championship (5)However, call me a grinch, but he wouldn't make myshort list for such a discussion. Sure, I never saw him play, but thenneither did anyone at ABC (the television network), who proclaimed himthe greatest college football player of all time in a 2008 list. Buthow much research went into that list? How closely did they compareGrange's college career to Jim Thorpe's (whom they rated #6)? RedGrange was obviously a great offensive and defensive back, as was JimThorpe. But Grange kicked 2 punts in his college career, and no fieldgoals or extra points, whereas Thorpe was the greatest punter andkicker of his time (and possibly the greatest punter of all time)-- andthis was during an era when the kicking game was absolutely paramount.To me, that takes Red Grange off the short list right there. And evenhis offensive numbers-- 2071 yards and 31 touchdowns in 20 games-- aregreat, but not all-time-best great. A lot of backs put up those kinds of numbers and better. Jim Thorpe scored more points in one season (1912) than Grange did in his career, and Thorpe had a crazy 1869 yards rushing that year, nearly Grange's career total.

There are plenty of backs in history whose accomplishments comparewell to Grange's overall numbers (including his 11 interceptions in 20games), but let's just look at Aubrey Devine, who starred for the Iowateam I selected as a national champion for 1921.Devine is nowhere near as famous as Grange, and makes no one's list ofthe greatest players (except perhaps among Iowa fans), but his 895rushing yards and 2211 total offense yards in 1921 simply blow Grange'sbest season out of the water. And Devine was also his team's punter andplacekicker. He even had one transcendent game that was comparable toGrange's 1924 game against Michigan. Against Minnesota in 1921, Devineaccounted for 484 yards and 6 touchdowns (similar to Grange's 402 and6), but on top of that he added 5 extra points-- so he accounted formore yards and more points than Grange did in what is supposedly "thegreatest single game performance of all time," and did so just 3 yearsearlier.

So what, exactly, made Grange such an all-timesuperstar, and Devine just another great back, now largely forgottenoutside Iowa? It's impossible to say, really, why one player catchesthe public's fancy and another doesn't, when the answer isn't in theactual accomplishments. It may come down to one simple factor-- whetheror not Grantland Rice writes a nationally published poem about you.

"There are shapes now moving,

Two Ghosts that drift and glide,
And which of them to tackle
Each rival must decide.
They shift with spectral swiftness
Across the swarded range,
And one of them’s a shadow,
And one of them is Grange."

TheRest of the Team

Hard toremember, but there were actually a few other good players on thisIllinois team, and one of them was also a consensus All American this season.That would be senior guard and captain James McMillen, who went on toplay 5 years for the Chicago Bears, where he would be reunited with RedGrange in 1926. End Frank Rokusek would succeed McMillen as captain in1924, and was a nonconsensus AA that season.

And then there was the forgotten man, fullback Earl Britton. Henever made a first team AA list or even all conference (though he waseventually selected as 3rd team all Big 10), but he was a very big backfor his time, 6' 2" and about 220 pounds, and fast and agile for hissize. He was Grange's best blocker all 3 years, and he was an excellentpunter and placekicker as well. His 50 yard field goal, a school recordfor longest that lasted another 44 years, made the difference in a 9-6win over Iowa this season. He went on to play for 5 years in the pros.

Butwhile the world at large may not have taken much notice of EarlBritton, Grange never forgot Britton's importance to his success. Yearslater, he lamented the fact that Britton never made an AA list, callinghim "the best blocker I ever saw." He also called Britton's 50 yardfield goal against Iowa, for which he was the holder, his singlebiggest thrill in football.After Grange left school and signed with Chicago, the Galloping Ghostsent for his wingman, and Britton left school one week later to joinGrange with the Bears. Earl Britton's hometown didn't forget himeither, as he is in the Elgin (Illinois) Sports Hall of Fame.


Foregoing theusual opening day patsy, Illinois started with Missouri Valley powerNebraska, and Red Grange introduced himself to the college footballworld by scoring 3 touchdowns on a 35 yard run, 20 yard leaping catch,and 60 yard punt return. Illinois won 24-7. Nebraska went on to finish4-2-2, taking a couple of ugly ties to 5-0-3Kansas and 2-3-3 Missouri, but they rebounded with a huge 14-7 win over9-1 Notre Dame (#7). Their secondloss came to 8-1 Syracuse (#8) by a score of 7-0. I have Nebraska ranked #19 for 1923.

Zuppke wanted to keep his prize player healthy for the crucial Big10 contests to come, so he sat Grange for Illinois' next game againstButler. Or at least he tried to. Butler was not quite the patsy theywere supposed to be when originally placed on the schedule, and in factthey had beaten Illinois 10-7 the previous season. This time, Zuppkesent Grange in to break open a tight game in the 2nd half, and Grangeran for 142 yards and 2 touchdowns, leading Illinois to a 21-7 win. Sowe can see the impact Grange had on Illinois' 1923 fortunes rightthere. Butler was a strong minor team, finishing 7-2. Their second losscame 34-7 to Notre Dame, but they went 7-0 against other minor teams



Thatbrought Illinois to their first big game, at Iowa. The 2-timedefending Big 10 champ had not lost in 3 years. Fullback EarlBritton did not show up to the team meeting before the game, and Zuppkesent Jim McMillen to find him. In telling this story to SportsIllustrated many years later, McMillen explained that Britton "was ahard man to get serious about a game." He found the big fullback on theroof of the team's hotel, overlooking Iowa's homecoming parade. Brittonwas writing "To Hell with Iowa" on sheets of hotel stationery, foldingthe sheets into paper airplanes, and floating them out over the crowd.

This ended up being Illinois' toughest game by far. Iowa hadsuccessfully diagnosed the key to beating Illinois, and they knockedGrange out on the opening kickoff. Grange came right back, but hewasn't the same, and Iowa held Illinois to just 58 yards rushing inthis game. Britton kicked his 50 yard field goal for an early 3-0 lead,but there would be no more scoring by either team until the 4thquarter. Grange had his head packed in ice at halftime

Iowafinally pushed over a touchdown to take a 6-3 lead early in the 4thquarter. These were the last points Illinois gave up in 1923. In thelatter half of the quarter, Illinois, unable to move the ball on theground, took to the air. Quarterback Harry Hall completed 3 long passesto Red Grange, setting up Grange's short touchdown run for the 9-6 win.

Iowa lost twice more, finishing 5-3, and they would not have beenranked in an AP poll's top 25 (I have them at #26-33). However,their 3 losses came to top 10 caliber teams (8-0 Illinois, 8-0Michigan, and 5-1-1 Minnesota), and they gave 8-0 Michigan an eventougher time than they gave Illinois, so power-wise it's possible thatIowa was a #15 type team. On the other hand, Iowa's 5 wins all cameover losing teams, and they only beat 2-5-1 Purdue by 7 and 2-6Northwestern by 3, so it's very difficult to gauge exactly how goodIowa was this season.


Illinois next trounced 2-6 Northwestern 29-0 on the road, Grangescoring 3 touchdowns, including a 90 yard interception return. Thenthey came home to face Chicago in their biggest game of the year.Chicago had lost just 1 game in each of the previous 2 seasons, andthis would be the only loss they would take this season. It was thefirst game played in Illinois' new stadium, and 60,000 fans filled itdespite a steady rain.The rainreduced both offenses to conservative straight-ahead football. Chicagodrove to the Illinois 6 yard line in the first quarter before runningout of downs, but it was an even game for the rest of the half, bothteams occasionally edging into enemy territory, but neither producing aserious scoring threat. In the 3rd quarter, Illinois finally drove 63 yards to pay dirt,Grange supplying 51 of it, including the 5 yard touchdown to cap it.Britton kicked the extra point to make it 7-0. Grange had a number of big plays in this game, including a60 yard interception return, but none of them resulted in points beyondthe one touchdown. Chicago finally went to their air game in the 4thquarter, but that went nowhere, and so 7-0 held up as the final score.

Chicago finished 7-1, andI have them at #6 for 1923.

The Rest of the Season

Nextup was Wisconsin, coming in at 3-0-1, their tie with Minnesota (whofinished 5-1-1). Illinois mounted an early 80 yard touchdown drive,Grange breaking free for runs of 14, 13, 25, and 26 yards, the last forthetouchdown. He then led a drive to a 33 yard Earl Britton field goal,and just like that, Illinois led 10-0. The game ended that way too,mostly because Grange was injured in a 2nd quarter pile-up, and did notplayin the 2nd half. He finished with 121 yards rushing.

Wisconsinlost their next 2 games, finishing 3-3-1, and they would not have beenranked in a final AP poll, but they were probably about #15 power-wise,and could viably be rated as high as the top 10. They tied 5-1-1Minnesota (#10), and their 3 losses came to 8-0 Illinois, 8-0 Michigan,and 7-1Chicago, all top 10 caliber teams. They lost to Chicago by 7 andMichigan by 3, and in fact Michigan only beat them on a fluke play (ascovered in the Michigan summary below). I have Wisconsin at #23 for1923.

Grange remained out for the next game against Mississippi State (5-2-2), whom Illinois nevertheless dispatched with ease, 27-0.

Illinoisthen hit the road for their traditional finale against rival OhioState. It was OSU's homecoming, and they were 3-3-1 coming in, theirlosses taken to 8-0 Michigan, 5-3 Iowa, and 7-1 Chicago. But they hadtied 6-2-1 Colgate, who had given 8-1 Syracuse their only loss 16-7,and Colgate would have finished about #15 in a final AP poll (I have them at #14).

OhioState took the proper course, arranging their entire defense aroundstopping Red Grange, which successfully kept the game scoreless through3 quarters. OSU had 3 shots from inside the Illinois 1 yard line in the3rd quarter, but they were unable to punch it in. Actually, theBuckeyes felt that they did punch it in, but unfortunately for them thereferee did not see it that way. Itdidn't matter, because Illinois scored twice in the 4th quarter anyway,winning9-0. The game was essentially won on a 10 play, 82 yard touchdowndrive, Grange galloping over from 31 yards out. That completed hisstreak of scoring a touchdown in every game he played this season. EarlBrittonlater added a 32 yard field goal to put the game out of reach.

Michigan 1923

1923 College Football National Championship (6)
Case (0-9)36-0
Vanderbilt (5-2-1)3-0(#34-50)
Ohio State (3-4-1)23-0
Michigan State (3-5)37-0
at Iowa (5-3)9-3(#26-33)
Quantico Marines (7-2-1)26-6
at Wisconsin (3-3-1)6-3#23
Minnesota (5-1-1)10-0#10

Michigan previously contended for mythical national championships in 1901, 1902, 1903, 1904,1918,and 1922,though I only selected them as champions for 1902 and 1918. I coveredtheir Hall of Fame coach, Fielding Yost, in the 1901 article. By thistime, he was widely recognized as one of the top coaches in collegefootball history, and this season he tied Minnesota's former coachHenry Williams for most Big 10 titles at 8. But Michigan had been anindependent for 10 years 1907-1916, so Yost won those titles in just 13seasons of Big 10 play, while Williams coached in the conference for 22years.

This was supposed to be Yost's last year as coach, buthis retirement only lasted 1 season, after which he returned for a2-year encore 1925-1926, winning 2 more Big 10 titles in those seasons.That brought his total to 10 conference championships in just 15 years.Compare that to his Hall of Fame contemporaries:Illinois' Robert Zuppke won 7 in 29 seasons, Chicago's Amos AlonzoStagg won 7 in 37, Ohio State's John Wilce managed just 3 in 16, andagain, Minnesota's Henry Williams won 8 in 22


Most of the players from Michigan's 6-0-1 1922team, covered in that article, returned this season. The main losseswere a pair of nonconsensus All American ends, Paul Goebel and BernieKirk. Center and drop-kicker Jack Blott was Michigan's one consensus AAthis season, while Hall of Fame halfback and punter Harry Kipke,consensus AA in 1922, was dropped from such lists this season in favorof Red Grange. Blott and Kipke were all-conference, and tackle StanleyMuirhead gave Michigan a 3rd all-conference player, one more thanIllinois had. Muirhead reportedly made 22 or 23 tackles, depending onthe source, in Michigan's biggest game this season, their finaleagainst 5-1-1 Minnesota.

This season's newcomers weren't particularly notable, but at leastone made a significant impact in just 2 starts. Substitute quarterbackFerdinand "Tod" Rockwell took over as starter when Irwin Uteritz brokehis leg in the 6th game, against the Quantico Marines. Rockwell was theholder for a field goal try in that game, but when it looked likeQuantico had broken through for the block, he picked up the ball andimprovised a 26 yard touchdown run. In the next game, Rockwell scored acontroversial touchdown to beat Wisconsin 6-3 (as covered below).Rockwell then caught a 31 yard touchdown pass in Michigan's finale, a10-0 win over Minnesota. In 1924, he would score 77 points (10 touchdowns, 14 extra points, and 1 field goal), leaving himjust 1 point behind Red Grange for top scorer in the conference. He wasa nonconsensus AA that season. Rockwell became a sportswriter for theDetroit Free Press.

Guard Harry Hawkins, who started 4 games, went through his Michigancareer unheralded by all but his coach, who later proclaimed him thebest lineman of 1925. He won the national collegiate championship inthe hammer throw in 1926, and is in the Saginaw Sports Hall of Fame.


Afterfeasting on a cupcake, Michigan hosted Southern power Vanderbilt, whohad tied them 0-0 in 1922. Home field advantage must have been worth afield goal back then, because this time Michigan center Jack Blottkicked one in the 2nd quarter for a 3-0 win. Vanderbilt finished 5-2-1,and though it's possible that theywould have finished in the bottom of an AP poll's top 25 in 1923, it'sunlikely, and they shouldn't have. Their other loss came 16-0 to 8-0-1Texas in Dallas, and they were tied by 5-2-2 Mississippi State (whomIllinois beat 27-0 without Grange).

Michigan needed a pair of fluke plays to win 2 more close games ontheir way to 8-0. The first came at Iowa, just a couple of weeks afterIllinois had barely escaped Iowa City with a 9-6 win. Michigan beat Iowa 9-3 by recovering their own punt inIowa's end zone for a touchdown. What happened was that referee JohnSchommer ruled that an Iowa player rushing the punter had grazed the ball withhis fingertips. Schommer called out that it was a live ball, but no one heardhim except Michigan center Jack Blott. In those days, a punting teamcould recover a partially blocked punt and retain possession of theball. So as Iowa's players stood around watching the punt roll into theend zone, thinking it was a routine touchback, Blott ran past them alland fell on the ball for what proved to be the winning score.

HarryKipke added a field goal to give Michigan a 9-0 lead in the 1stquarter, and Iowa kicked a field goal in the 2nd to make the 9-3 finalscore. Michigan produced little to no offense in this game, but theydidn't need any thanks to Jack Blott's opportunistic touchdown. Blottalso intercepted a4th quarter pass at his own 25 yard line to help preserve the win.

Afterthe game, referee John Schommer was swarmed by Iowa fans out for blood,but Iowa's players came to his aid and escorted him safely off thefield. This game led to a change in football's rules concerningpartially blocked punts.

Iowa, as discussed in the Illinoissummary above, finished 5-3 and would not have been ranked in an AP top25, though they might have been top 25 power-wise.

Deja Vu All Over Again

Michigan'stouchdown to win 6-3 at Wisconsin 2 weeks later supplied some uncannydeja vu. With Wisconsin up 3-0 in the 2nd quarter, Michigan quarterback Tod Rockwellreturned a punt to midfield, where he was tackled by a couple ofWisconsin players. As players for both teams gathered for the nextplay, Rockwell got up, but he noticed that the referee was not comingto get the ball from him to set it. Realizing that the play was stilllive, he turned and ran unopposed for what was ultimately recorded as a68 yard punt return touchdown. You see, in 1923, the rules stated thata player was only down if he was firmly in the grasp of a defenderwhile on the ground, which the referee ruled was not the case on thisplay.

The Wisconsin bench and fans went nuts, and referee WalterEckersall needed Wisconsin players to escort him from the fieldunharmed after the game, much like fellow Chicago graduate JohnSchommer did at Iowa 2 weeks prior. Also similar to the Iowa game, thisplay prompted a change in the rules of college football, after whicha player was ruled down if his knee touched the ground.

Wisconsin almost pulled their own rabbit out of a hat with a "HailMary" pass on the last play of the game. A receiver caught the ball andgot away for some 50 yards down the field, but Michigan guard ButchSlaughter chased him down and tackled him 20 yards from the end zone.Wisconsin, as discussed in the Illinois summary above, finished3-3-1 and would not have been ranked in an AP top 25, but they werelikely about #15 power-wise, and I have them at #23 for 1923.

Michigan suffered quite a few injuries down the stretch. They hadalready lost 3 starters heading into the Wisconsin game, and centerJack Blott broke his leg in that one. Only 5of the team's original 11 starters took the field in theseason finale against Minnesota, who was coming to Ann Arbor at 5-0-1.Luckily for Michigan, Minnesota lost their star quarterback early inthe game, and with him went the offense. 42,000 fans watched their teamwin 10-0. Tod Rockwell caught a 31 yard touchdown pass in the 2ndquarter and kicked the extra point. In the 3rd quarter, a blocked puntset up a Harry Kipke field goal. Kipke also had a great day punting,and he knocked down several passes (Minnesota was 0 for 8 in the air).

SoMinnesota finished 5-1-1, and I have them at #10 for 1923. But their tie came to 3-3-1 Wisconsin

, and they didn't beat anyone that would have finished ranked, so just how good they were is a bit of a mystery.

Yale 1923

1923 College Football National Championship (7)1923 College Football National Championship (8)1923 College Football National Championship (9)1923 College Football National Championship (10)
North Carolina (5-3-1)53-0
Georgia (5-3-1)40-0
Bucknell (4-4-1)29-14
Brown (6-4)21-0
Army (6-2-1)31-10#12
Maryland (7-2-1)16-14(#34-50)
Princeton (3-3-1)27-0
at Harvard (4-3-1)13-0

Yale's 8-0 1923 team featured 4 Hall of Famers:from left to right in the pictures above, head coach Tad Jones, fullback BillMallory, tackle Century Milstead, and substitute halfback Mal Stevens.

Yalehadbeen wandering the wilderness for 14 years, but before that they had beenthe 20th century's first "team of the decade," winning mythicalnationalchampionships in 1902,1905,1906,1907,
and 1909.ThomasAlbert Dwight ("Tad") Jones had played for three of those teams, 1905-1907, andhe was a consensus All American at quarterback in 1907. Hereturned to coach his alma mater in 1916 and 1920-1927, going 57-15-4and briefly bringing Yale back to the top of the college footballworld, albeit for the last time. This was of course Yale's firstunbeaten and untied season since 1909. His final season, 1927, is thelastseason for which the school claims an MNC.

The Hall of Famers

Yalehad 2 consensus All Americans this season, William "Memphis Bill"Mallory and Century Milstead. Mallory was the captain, and did most ofthe placekicking. He unfortunately died in a plane crash returning fromWorld War 2.

Century Milstead wasso-named because he was born on the first day of the 20th century,January 1, 1901 (but there is some confusion over his birthdate-- seeAddendum following this article if interested in such trivia). Hetransferred from Wabash, whom he had led to a winover Purdue and a 7-2 finish in 1921, and after sitting out therequired year in 1922, this was the only season he was eligible to playat Yale. He was 6' 4" and 205 pounds, andreportedly threw the varsity backs around during scrimmages in 1922.

Milsteadwas suspended from school in 1924 for marrying while still a student,which he had actually done in secret before the 1923 football season.Yale dean F. S. Jones answered protests by pointing out that "Marriageis too distracting to a student." To which Milstead replied, "I'veengaged in both marriage and athletics and if the question ofdistraction is to be argued, I should say that there's something to besaid about the distraction of athletics." Yale met him halfway: he could not attend classes, but he was allowed to take his examinations, which he passed to obtain his degree.

MalStevens was a transfer from Washburn, where he had been the quarterbackfor 3 years, so like Milstead he was a one-season mercenary. UnlikeMilstead, he was never named to a first team AA list, and in fact hewas not even a starter in his one season at Yale, so I don't know whathe's doing in the Hall of Fame. It probably has to do with the factthat he became an orthopedic surgeon, and coached at Yale and NYU aswell. He succeeded Tad Jones as coach at Yale in 1928, and oversawYale's fade from big-time football, going 21-11-8 in 5 seasons. Then hewas 33-34-2 at NYU 1934-1941.

The Rest of the Team

CenturyMilstead and Mal Stevens weren't the only transfers on this team.Quarterback Lyle Richeson had been Tulane's quarterback for 3 years,and halfback William "Widdy" Neale had played at West Virginia andMarietta.Widdy was college and pro Hall of Famer Greasy Neale's brother. Widdywill never join his brother in the college HoF, but unlike Hall ofFamer Mal Stevens, Widdy Neale was actually a starting halfback atYale, so he had that going for him. Neale ran Yale's intramuralathletics program and oversaw their golf course 1933-1969, and was avery successful amateur golfer as a senior.Yale'sother starting halfback was Raymond Pond, who would be named anonconsensus AA in 1924. In this year's rainy Harvard game, Pond scoreda touchdown on a 63 yard fumble return through "seventeen lakes, fivequagmires and a water hazard," as Grantland Rice put it. Rice thereforenamed him Ducky Pond, which is still the name he is best remembered by.Ducky succeeded Mal Stevens as coach at Yale 1934-1940 and oversaw afurther decline, going 30-25-2. He then went 22-30-1 in 7 years atBates.

End Dick Luman would be named a consensus AA in 1924, and center Winslow Lovejoy would be nonconsensus AA the same season.

TackleEdwin "Ted" Blair never received national honors, but he had a coupleof big plays in the Army and Harvard games, and Yale's football MVPaward is named for him.


Yale demolishedmost of the teams on their schedule, outscoring them by a total of230-38, and none of their 8 opponents had a losing record, promptingmore than one observer to proclaim this Yale's best team ever. Yet noorganization listed in the NCAA Records Book selects them as a nationalchampion for 1923, and this is not one of the 26 years for which Yaleclaims an MNC. That is probably because their schedule, while holdingno losers, was not very impressive. Princeton (3-3-1) and Harvard(4-3-1) were down this year, leaving 6-2-1 Army as the only team Yaleplayed who would have been ranked in a 1923 AP poll. Still, Yale won byimpressive scores over Army and nearly everyone else they played, sothey deserve a look when selecting the 1923 MNC.

Yale started with a pair of Southern challengers, routing 5-3-1North Carolina 53-0 and 5-3-1 Georgia 40-0. 4-4-1 Bucknell put up moreof a fight before falling 29-14, but Yale led 14-0 at half, and thoughthe reserves gave up some points, they still won the 2nd half 15-14.Yale then won 21-0 over 6-4 Brown, and that brought them to theirtoughest opponent of 1923, Army.

Army came in at 4-1, having lost 13-0 to Notre Dame (9-1). Anational record 80,000 fans crammed the Yale Bowl, temporary standsadded for this game.

Army'spassing attack had some initial success, and they drove to an early 25yard field goal for a 3-0 lead. Yale was stopped at the Army 3 yardline in the 2nd quarter, but Army soon fumbled, and Yale tackle TedBlair fell on the ball in the end zone for a touchdown and 7-3 lead.Army quarterback George Smythe later took the lead back on a 75 yardpunt return, a zig-zagging affair in which he apparently ran around forsome 300 yards to advance the 75. Army thus led 10-7 at the half, butYale crushed them in the next half.

MalStevens ran for 24 yards, then Widdy Neale hit Dick Luman for an 18yard touchdown pass, and it was 14-10. Army's passing game then failedmiserably, as an interception set up a touchdown, another set up afield goal, and a third was returned by quarterback Lyle Richeson for a35 yard touchdown to finish the scoring at 31-10. Yale had 16 firstdowns to Army's 6.

Army tied 5-1-3 Navy in their finale,finishing 6-2-1, and I have them ranked #12 for 1923. They didn't actually beat a team who would havebeen ranked, but they gave 6-1-2 Florida their only loss 20-0, andtheir tie with Navy held value because Navy tied 10-1-1 Washington inthe Rose Bowl.

Trouble with Maryland

Haveyou ever noticed that teams who win big games by big scores oftenstruggle the next week, even against lesser opponents? Well, that'swhat happened to Yale against Maryland the week after their big Armywin. Maryland was coming in at 5-1. They had created a bit of a stir bybeating Penn 3-0 on the road, but Penn ended up 5-4 this season, andMaryland took a 16-7 loss to mediocre 6-3 Virginia Tech a couple weekslater. Maryland had lost 45-3 at Yale the previous season, but thistime their 4th year starting quarterback, Johnny "Boots" Groves, had a remarkable game, and Yale barely escaped with a win.

Groves led histeam to a pair of 1st quarter touchdowns with great running andpassing. Both drives were long, 80 and 85 yards, and Groves capped eachby running for the touchdown and kicking the extra point for a 14-0lead. Yale had no first downs in that opening quarter, but clearlyMaryland simply held the ball for almost all of it. Maryland was on themarch again in the 2nd quarter, but a fumble at the Yale 30 turned thegame around. Widdy Neale ripped a 50 yard run on the way to a Ducky Pondtouchdown, cutting the deficit to 14-7. Later, Neale did most of thework on a drive to the Maryland 10, where Bill Mallory kicked a fieldgoal, making it 14-10 at the half.

In the 3rd quarter, Yaledrove to the Maryland goal line before Mal Stevens lost a fumble at the1 yard line. But he made up for it by returning the ensuing punt backto the Maryland 3, then scoring a touchdown to take the lead 16-14.Maryland came back and dominated the 4th quarter, but they were unableto translate that dominance to points. Yale had a lot of troubledefending their passing game, but Maryland lost another fumble at theYale 30 with 5 minutes to go, and then Johnny Groves barely missed afield goal attempt at the end that would have won it.

Marylandwas tied by 6-2-1 Johns Hopkins (whom Cornell beat 52-0) in theirfinale, putting them at 7-2-1. They would not have been ranked in a1923 AP poll.

Yale next beat 3-3-1 Princeton 27-0, their mostlopsided win in the series since 1890, in front of another crowd of80,000. Then they went up to 4-3-1 Harvard, their only road trip of theseason, and won 13-0 in the rain. This game featured 14 fumbles and 54punts, as neither team could produce much offense. In the 2nd quarter,Ducky Pond picked up a Harvard fumble, and with no one around him, ranit back for a 63 yard touchdown. It was Yale's first touchdown atHarvard since 1907. In the 3rd quarter, Ted Blair blocked a Harvardpunt and returned the ball another 12 yards to set up a Bill Malloryfield goal. Later, Harvard fumbled at their own 20, leading to a 37yard Mallory field goal that closed the scoring. Yale had anothercouple of scoring chances due to Harvard turnovers, while Harvard neverthreatened to score.

Cornell 1923

St. Bonaventure (3-5)41-6
Susquehanna (3-6)84-0
Williams (7-1)28-6
Colgate (6-2-1)34-7#14
at Dartmouth (8-1)32-7#9
at Columbia (4-4-1)35-0
Johns Hopkins (6-2-1)52-0
at Penn (5-4)14-7(#26-33)

1923 College Football National Championship (11)This was Cornell's 3rd straight 8-0 season, having been a strong contender for the 1921 MNC, and clearly meriting a share of it in 1922. I covered their Hall of Fame coach, Gil Dobie, in the 1921 article.

Gone this year were superstar halfback Eddie Kaw, nonconsensus AAtackle Swede Hanson (actually, he was still around, but as an assistantcoach), and 5 other starters from the line. There was some question asto whether the machine could keep rolling, but roll on it did. Hall ofFame quarterback George Pfann (pictured at left) stepped up his game,scoring 15 touchdowns in 8 games and passing for more on the way tobeing named consensus AA. In fact, despite the terrific debut of RedGrange at Illinois, if there had been a Heisman Trophy in 1923, itwould have come down to Pfann or Penn State's Harry "Light Horse"Wilson for the award. After graduation, Pfann went off to study law atOxford as a Rhodes Scholar.

Halfback Floyd Ramsey and fullback Charles Cassidy had been lostin the long shadows cast by Eddie Kaw and George Pfann in 1921 and1922, and though they still toiled unnoticed in Pfann's shadow thisseason, one can see in reading Cornell's 1923 game summaries that bothplayers contributed quite a lot this season. Their school didn't forgetthem, and both are in Cornell's Hall of Fame. The Pfann-Ramsey-Cassidybackfield went 24-0 1921-1923, and after the threesome graduated,Cornell fell to 4-4 in 1924, never to go unbeaten under Dobie again.

CharlesCassidy was particularly strong, as he could run, block, catch, and wasa great defensive back. After college, he eventually became the Attorney General for the territory of Hawaii.

Hall of Fame tackle Frank "Sunny" Sundstrom also returned thisseason, and was a nonconsensus AA. He kicked 24 extra points on theseason.

But there were no notable new players in 1923, so it's no surprise that this was the sunset of Cornell's great run.


Cornell didn'tjust win 24 games in a row 1921-1923-- they mauled their opponents,winning every game by more than a touchdown until the finale of thisseason. They opened the 1923 season with their typical trio ofcupcakes, but the third, Williams, ended up finishing 7-1, albeitagainst a schedule of mostly minor teams. Cornell had no troubleswatting them aside, though, winning 28-6.

The next week George Pfann sprung a surprise passing attack onColgate in a 34-7 win. Cornell threw more passes in this game than theyhad in all their games in 1921 and 1922 combined. Pfann hit CharlesCassidy for one touchdown, and he threw a flurry of passes that set up3Floyd Ramsey touchdown plunges. Colgate's offense was smothereduntil late in the game, when they returned an interception from theirown 5 to the Cornell 40, then drove to a touchdown from there.

Colgate finished 6-2-1, tying 3-4-1 Ohio State and losing 9-0 to5-1-3 Navy, but they won 16-7 at 8-1 Syracuse in their finale, whichwould have lifted them up to about #15 in a final AP poll had therebeen one in 1923. I have them at #14.

Up next was Cornell's game of the year at Dartmouth, who was 5-0.It was the dedication game for Dartmouth's new stadium. Cornellrecovered a Dartmouth fumble on the first offensive play of the game,and Pfann threw 2 passes, the second for a touchdown, and just likethat it was 6-0. But Dartmouth hung tough and controlled the rest ofthe 1st quarter through better punting. Early in the 2nd quarter, theymounted a drive to the Cornell 9 before turning it over on downs.Following a punt out, they drove to the Cornell 5 before they werestopped again. Finally, Dartmouth's guard and captain, CyrilAschenbach, blocked Cornell's next punt and returned it 22 yards for atouchdown, dragging a Cornell tackler the last 5 yards. Dartmouth had a7-6 lead, and the fans had hope. But it was all Cornell after that.

A bad snap gave Cornell the ball at the Dartmouth 6, and Ramseyrammed it in on 3 runs. George Pfann got off a 35 yard run, setting upa Frank Sundstrom field goal, and Cornell led 15-7 at half. Dartmouthcontinually turned the ball over in the 2nd half, and things got ugly.Pfann had a touchdown catch, Ramsey another touchdown plunge, andSundstrom another field goal, putting the final score at 32-7.

Dartmouth finished 8-1, outscoring the rest of their opponents195-22. I have them ranked #9, but theydidn't beat anyone of much value, so it's impossible to know how goodthey really were. This was Cornell's 3rd straight win over Dartmouth,and by scores of 59-7, 23-0, and 32-7. But Dartmouth's new coach, JesseHawley, was about to turn the tide, and he went 4-1 against Dobie andCornell after this, running up scores like 62-13, 53-7, and 28-0. Ah,sweet, sweet revenge.

Trouble with Penn

Cornelltraditionally finished their season on Thanksgiving Day at Penn, andthey traditionally put a cupcake on the schedule 12 days beforehand.This year's cupcake, Johns Hopkins, ended up being pretty good, going6-2-1 and tying 7-2-1 Maryland (whom Yale, of course, was lucky to beat16-14), but Cornell ate 'em like a cupcake anyway, 52-0.

Penndid not have a good year, losing to the aforementioned Maryland 3-0,then dropping 2 straight to Lafayette and Penn State heading into thefinale with Cornell. But they did beat 7-1-1 Centre 24-0, and this wasa rivalry game, so Cornell was about to get their toughest fight in 3years. 58,000 attended, a record for the annual matchup. George Pfanndid most of the running in a drive that was stopped at the Penn 9 yardline in the 1st quarter, but Penn's ensuing punt carried only to the34, and Pfann caught a touchdown pass on the next play. In the 2ndquarter, a Cornell drive was stopped at the Penn 9 again. Later, Pennintercepted a pass at midfield, then drove to the Cornell 19 beforethrowing 4 straight incomplete passes, the last one inches from thereceiver's fingers. It remained 7-0 at half.

In the 3rd quarter,Penn drove to the Cornell 25 before throwing another 4 incompletions.Cornell responded with a series of simple off-tackle runs that pushedthe ball back to the Penn 23, where Pfann fumbled possession away. Thescore remained 7-0 until midway through the 4th quarter, when Cornellintercepted a pass and returned it to the Penn 36. Pfann was interferedwith on a long pass, putting the ball at the Penn 5, and he ran it infrom there, putting the game practically out of reach at 14-0. But alate Cornell fumble at their own 25 let Penn get on the scoreboard,albeit after 9 tough runs into the line, and that made the final score14-7. It was the first time Penn had scored on Cornell in 3 years.Cornell greatly outgained Penn in this game, and recorded 15 firstdowns to Penn's 4.

Penn finished 5-4, and would not have been ranked in an AP poll in 1923, but they were close, and I have them at #26-33.

Selectingthe 1923 Mythical National Champion

Hereare the significant games for our 4 contenders. Theopponentrankingscome from my 1923 top 25, which is based on a hypothetical post-bowl AP poll (within logical reason of course).

Illinois 8-0

#19 Nebraska (4-2-2) 24-7
at (#26-33) Iowa (5-3) 9-6
#6 Chicago (7-1) 7-0
#23 Wisconsin (3-3-1) 10-0

Michigan 8-0

(#34-50) Vanderbilt (5-2-1) 3-0
at (#26-33) Iowa (5-3) 9-3
at #23 Wisconsin (3-3-1) 6-3
#10 Minnesota (5-1-1) 10-0

Yale 8-0

#12 Army (6-2-1) 31-10
(#34-50) Maryland (7-2-1) 16-14


#14 Colgate (6-2-1) 34-7
at #9 Dartmouth (8-1) 32-7
at (#26-33) Penn (5-4) 14-7

Illinoisdefeated the rest of their opponents by anaverage score of 22-2, Michigan defeated theirs 31-2, Yale defeated theirs 31-2, and Cornell defeated theirs 48-2.

The easiest cut to make from these contenders is obviouslyMichigan, due to their 3 weak performances-- 2 more than any othercontender had. They beat both 5-3 Iowa and 3-3-1 Wisconsin on flukeplays, scoring gift winning touchdowns in both cases because the otherteam thought the ball was dead. Illinois also struggled at Iowa, butthey did not win on a fluke play. And Illinois did not really havetrouble with Wisconsin, taking a quick 10-0 lead and playingdefensively the rest of the way. But Michigan's worst performance wastheir inexplicable 3-0 home win over Vanderbilt. 5-2-1 Vanderbilt wastied by 5-2-2 Mississippi State, whom Illinois beat 27-0. That's 3strikes against Michigan-- they're out.

It should also be notedthat Illinois' best win, over 7-1 Chicago, was more impressive thanMichigan's best win, over 5-1-1 Minnesota, being that Minnesota wastied by 3-3-1 Wisconsin, whom Chicago defeated 13-6. But that matter istrivial compared to the 3 poor performances for which I've alreadyeliminated Michigan from the race.


Yale's16-14 home win over Maryland was as poor a performance as Michigan's3-0 home win over Vanderbilt, and in fact I would say that it wasworse, given that Yale won by watching a late field goal fall just wideof the uprights. That makes it the worst performance suffered by any ofthe contenders. Unlike Michigan, Yale had just the one poorperformance, making it easy to conclude that it was an anomaly, butYale's other problem is their schedule. Yale was the only contenderthat did not defeat a likely top 10 team (or give any team its onlyloss), and also the only contender to play just 1 likely top 25opponent. That's a pretty weak resume for a national champion, mythicalor not.

If you merely look at their scores, it may appear that Yale andCornell had fairly equitable seasons-- both had one close game over arelatively mediocre opponent, and both crushed everyone else theyplayed. However, there was a big difference between Yale's close gameand Cornell's. Yale's came at home, while Cornell's was on the road,and it was a rivalry game to boot. More importantly, Yale was lucky tobeat Maryland by 2 points, whereas Cornell dominated Penn, won by 7,and was in no danger of losing the game at all. Penn scored a latetouchdown to make the score look closer than the game was.

Cornell romped on 8-1 Dartmouth, and Yale routed 6-2-1 Army-- asyou can see in the table above, I think Dartmouth would have beenranked #9 and Army #12 in a 1923 AP poll, and that isn't much of adifference. However, Cornell played Dartmouth on the road, and theygave Dartmouth their only loss, which makes it more compelling.Dartmouth would go 7-0-1 the next season (tying 6-0-2 Yale,interestingly enough), then 8-0 in 1925 to claim a nationalchampionship. And Army was the only top 25 caliber team Yale played,while Cornell beat 6-2-1 Colgate.

Yale is hereby eliminated-- they really needed a win against apotential top 10 team-- or alternatively, a better showing againstMaryland.

Illinois vs. Cornell

So we're down to Illinois and Cornell. These teams were similar-- bothhad one close road win over a #30-40 type opponent, and both gave a top10 caliber opponent their only loss. But Cornell performed much betterin both cases. They dominated Penn, won by 7, and were in no realdanger in that game, while Illinois beat Iowa by 3 points in an evenlyplayed game. And Cornell beat 8-1 Dartmouth 32-7 on the road, whileIllinois beat 7-1 Chicago 7-0 at home. Chicago may have been a bitbetter than Dartmouth, but the performance difference in those games ismuch more than "a bit."

Onefactor that is potentially in Illinois' favor is that the Midwest wonagainst the East this season, going 4-1-1 in relevant games. Most ofthat was Notre Dame, who defeated Army, Princeton, and Carnegie(relevant because Carnegie beat Pitt this year). 8-0 Marquette beat7-1-1 Boston College in a battle of strong minor teams, and 8-1Syracuse beat 4-2-2 Nebraska for the East's only relevant win. But themost significant outcome was 3-4-1 Ohio State tying 6-2-1 Colgate. OhioState lost by more than a touchdown to every good Big 10 team theyplayed (Michigan, Iowa, Chicago, and Illinois), while Colgate beat 8-1Syracuse, and would have been ranked in a top 25. That makes their tiea big victory for the Midwest.

However, even if we were toaccept that Colgate and Ohio State were equal, the fact is that Cornellstomped Colgate 34-7, while Illinois struggled to beat Ohio State 9-0(in a game that was closer than the score). So regardless of whetherthe West or East was better, here is a third case in which Cornellclearly outperformed Illinois against a comparable opponent. AndCornell stomped the rest of their opponents 240-12, while Illinois beattheirs 111-14.

It seems pretty clear to me that Cornell shouldbe #1. However, Illinois' season was more similar to Cornell's than itwas different, and I think they merit a share of a mythical nationalchampionship for this season. Also, Illinois did play a somewhattougher schedule, especially considering the fact that Ohio State tiedColgate. If Ohio State was as good as Colgate, then Iowa and Wisconsinwere better, and that means Illinois hypothetically played 5 good teams toCornell's 2 or 3. That seems a bit of a stretch-- more likely, OhioState's tie with Colgate was an upset, especially since the game tookplace in Columbus. But in any case, Illinois played 7 teams that couldmerit inclusion in a top 50 for 1923, while Cornell played 5. That'snot a significant difference, but it's the one argument in Illinois'favor.


1923 #1: 8-0 Cornell
National Co-champion:8-0 Illinois
Contenders: 8-0Michigan and 8-0 Yale

Theseare the awards I have been handing out for each season, except seasonswhen there are no contenders. For this purpose, what I mean by acontender is a team that I think is very close to being worthy ofsharing the national championship. A team that you could make anargument for, even if that argument is weak. But the contenders areteams that I myself do not see as national champions.

So Cornell ought to be #1, Illinois #2. Who should be #3? I'd gowith Yale, given the fact that Michigan had 3 weak performances toYale's 1, and Michigan posted twin wins on fluke plays. However, thefluke wins came over teams that were better than every team Yale playedexcept for Army, and Michigan played both on the road, whereas Yaledidn't play a single good team on the road. Michigan's schedule wastherefore arguably much tougher, so you could go with either team at #3.

Gradingthe Selectors

Ihave been grading the NCAA Records Book's selectors for each season,and keeping a grade point average, so we can see who is relatively goodat selecting national champions and who is not. And although I do notconsider computer ratings to be legitimate national championshipselectors, I have been including them in this section as well,just for comparison's sake. I amgrading on a scale of 0-5 (5 being the best).

Billingsley's computer chose Michigan to stand alone

. Grade: 0.5

The National Championship Foundation split the title between Illinois and Michigan. Grade: 2.3

Sagarin's original recipe system selected Cornell. Grade:5.0Everybody else selected Illinois alone. Grade: 4.0

Grade point averages 1919-1923:

1) Sagarin-ELO(math system)3.90
2) Boand (math)3.54
3) Helms
5)CollegeFootball Researchers Association
7) Parke Davis3.12
8) National Championship Foundation3.08
8) Houlgate (math)2.72
9)Billingsley (math)1.44

How the systems that selectedchampions for1901-1918 did:

1)Houlgate(math system)4.5
2) Helms4.3
3) Parke Davis4.2
4)NationalChampionship Foundation3.7
5)Billingsley (math)3.6


I have found atleast half a dozen sources that list Yale tackle Century Milstead'sbirthdate as January 1, 1900. However, wikipedia and the Hall of Famelist it as January 1, 1901. Who is right? Well, hisgrave says January 1, 1901,and that's good enough for me to use it as his birthdate in the articleabove. But can tombstones not have errors? His granddaughter once gavehis birthdate as January 1, 1900, and 2 different books have relatedthe following anecdote: he wasborn January 1, 1900, so his father wanted to name him "Century,"thinking it was the first day of the new century, but his mother arguedthat technically, January 1, 1901 was the first day of the 20thcentury. His father was wrong, but won the argument anyway, and thusthe name.

Now I have to wonder, if he wasn't born January 1, 1900, where did that story come from? Why would someone make it up?

It's a cute story, but it just doesn't seem interesting enough for someone to bother making it up.

National Champions
1923 Top 25

1923 College Football National Championship (2024)


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